Our "Report an Issue" service is designed to provide a streamlined and efficient process for users to communicate and resolve any problems, concerns, or technical issues they may encounter. Whether you're facing software glitches, hardware malfunctions, or any other challenges, our service is your go-to solution for prompt assistance.

Services (8)

Classroom Support

Classroom Support can help users resolve issues with AV and computer equipment used for class sessions and presentations

Computer Issue

Issues related to your TWU device or department owned devices

Email Issue

Issues relating to email. Gmail, Outllook, webmail, mobile phone mail

Network Issues

Report connectivity issues within the university campus network.

Pioneer Portal Account Creation issue

Report an issue related to creating your Pioneer Portal account or Report that your username has not populated.

Printer Issues

Report an issue with your TWU printers, ImageNet printers, and GoPrint

Software Issues

Report software issues (Standard software, Student apps, Enterprise Apps)

TWU Login Assistance

Issues related to your TWU username and password