Search48 Results
- Services
- Technology
- Computer and Device Support
Antivirus is protective software designed to defend a computer against malicious software.
- Services
- Technology
- Collaboration
Multiple calendars can be created and shared, allowing different levels of permissions for each user.
- Services
- Technology
- IT Professional Services
- Discounts
A TWU email address ( may allow a discount on cellular phone service.
- Services
- Technology
- Classroom, Learning, and Pedagogy Tools
Classroom AV and media include Panopto lecture capture, Zoom, microphones, AMX touch panels, and Apple TV.
- Services
- Technology
- IT Professional Services
- Training
Upon request, a member of the classroom support team will meet with the user and train them on how to use the technology in the classroom or web conference room.
- Services
- Technology
- Classroom, Learning, and Pedagogy Tools
TWU classrooms are designed to meet the varied needs of the faculty, students and departments across the University. Classroom technology hardware serves as a medium to accentuate, enhance, and facilitate pedagogy.
- Services
- Technology
- Collaboration
Google Drive for Faculty and Staff is a cloud storage service that allows users to upload, create, edit, and work collaboratively with others on a variety of documents online. Microsoft OneDrive allows users to get to files and photos from anywhere, on any device and to share and work together with anyone.
- Services
- Technology
- Computer and Device Support
The computer replacement program provides all eligible employees a computer and manages the operational costs associated with the rapid growth of technology related to personal computing by a replacement cycle.
- Services
- Report an Issue
- Report an Issue
Issues related to your TWU device or department owned devices
- Services
- Technology
- Computer and Device Support
IT Solutions provides several video-conference rooms equipped with Cisco codecs and HD quality LifeSize units.
- Services
- Technology
- Wifi, Network, and Servers
The TWU DBAs support Oracle and Microsoft SQL databases for the TWU community.
- Services
- Technology
- Computer Labs and Printing
Digital signage is a technology that allows users to post information that would traditionally be put on a bulletin board on a digital display.
- Services
- Technology
- Security
Texas Woman's University Department of Public Safety uses a variety of methods to alert students, faculty, and staff in case of a significant emergency on a campus.
- Services
- Technology
- Classroom, Learning, and Pedagogy Tools
IT Solutions assists with the audio and video recordings of events and productions sponsored by the University. IT Solutions provides high quality HD Video production and digital Audio recordings to broaden the reach of idea sharing that can be saved and shared on the web.
- Services
- Technology
- IT Professional Services
- Discounts
TWU negotiates with vendors to secure discounts on hardware for TWU students, faculty, and staff.