How do I get a Concur account?
Concur profiles are generated automatically from HR/Oracle Cloud data. Use these steps for logging into Concur (not just for new employees).
Submit a ticket if you have issues logging in after following the steps above.
Requests in Concur
How to request a TWU credit card (PCard, Travel Card), credit limit changes, submit a Payment Request., etc.
PCard Questions
Travel / Travel Card Questions
How to repay TWU at the Bursar's Office for Concur transaction errors
Complete this form when depositing money to the Bursar's Office for TWU credit card errors. Read instructions thoroughly on page 1 of the file.
Reimbursement for Personal/Non-Reimbursable Expenses Transmittal Form [pdf]
How to check payment status in Oracle Cloud (employee reimbursements and supplier invoices)
Credit Card Decline, Fraud Alerts, Disputes
Your purchase may decline for several reasons: if you exceed a spending or transaction limit, use a TWU-excluded merchant or MCC code, a PIN issue, use a supplier not equipped to accept MasterCard as payment, if a transaction is suspected by Citibank as fraud, etc.
Urgent declines: for a Travel card decline while traveling for TWU, or an in-person PCard transaction, call the Credit Card Services Administrator at 940-898-3545 to determine the cause. *If traveling, do not use a PCard or another TWU employee’s Travel Card for your travel expenses.
Non-urgent declines: call Citibank customer service at 800-248-4553 to determine the cause. You must know your 4-digit verification code for security purposes. To submit a ticket, click the CCService Request button and give as much detail as possible in the ticket so the Credit Card Services team can help resolve the issue.
Fraud/fraud alerts: If you receive a fraud alert from Citibank or suspect a fraudulent or unauthorized transactions, contact Citibank Customer Service immediately at 800-248-4553 to file a dispute and request a replacement credit card.
Disputed Charges: If you (the cardholder/authorized user) find a discrepancy on a monthly statement, you should contact the supplier first and attempt to resolve the problem. If a resolution is not found, call Citibank to file a Dispute Claim within 60 days. All disputed items should be documented; attach supporting documents to the transaction in Concur.
Bridge Training:
PCard - Individual Card Training - Learners will understand the rules and policies regarding use of an Individual PCard.
PCard-Department Card Training - Learners will understand the rules and policies regarding use of a Department PCard.
Travel Card Training - Learners will understand what the Travel Card can be used for and how to request it. They will also understand the differences between the TWU PCard and the TWU Travel Card.