Canvas is a web-based application which allows instructors to put class materials on the Internet. It provides a variety of tools to facilitate teaching and learning. The basic tools used in a Canvas course include a syllabus, learning materials (documents, videos, etc.), discussions, calendar, inbox and notifications, announcements, grades, quizzes, and assignments. All academic courses taught at TWU use Canvas.

Articles (21)

Canvas Badges in Canvas (Instructors)

Badgr is an add-on application that allows instructors to design and award digital badges as an indicator of accomplishment or skill that can be earned within a Canvas course.This article provides resources on how to get started using Badgr in your courses.

Canvas Badges in Canvas (Students)

Badgr in Canvas allows instructors to issue digital badges to students as they complete modules or other activities in their Canvas courses. The instructor has to have enabled Badgr in the Canvas course for you to use this feature.

Canvas Help

There are several support options available to ask your instructor a question, search for answers online, use the Guide to Online Learning to get started using Canvas, and contacting the Technology Service Desk for technical support. Review Canvas Computer Specifications and Supported Browsers.

Canvas Mobile Apps (Instructors)

The Canvas mobile application provides instructors a portable solution for Canvas. You can access Canvas from any browser on your Android or iOS device. However, some features may not function as expected compared to viewing Canvas in a fully supported desktop browser.

Canvas Mobile Apps (Students)

The Canvas mobile application provides students a portable solution for Canvas. You can access Canvas from any browser on your Android or iOS device. However, some features may not function as expected compared to viewing Canvas in a fully supported desktop browser.

Canvas Outcomes (Academic Units)

Use Canvas Outcomes to facilitate reporting for a degree program using a defined set of competencies / outcomes. Instructors assess students in their courses on these competencies / outcomes. Instructors assess students in their courses on these competencies as outcomes using Rubrics to provide feedback and ratings on their program progress. Program level data exports summarize student competencies / outcomes for reporting to the accreditation body.

Cloud Services Available in Canvas

If you are using a publisher website for materials and assessments in your Canvas course, you may be able to ‘pair’ your Canvas course to the publisher course site so that students can connect to the publisher site from Canvas without having to create a separate login account.

Content to Add to Your Canvas Course for Students (Instructors)

Provide additional information and instructions to students using Canvas and other integrated applications that you include in your Canvas course.

Getting Started with Canvas (Instructors)

Getting started information for instructors to learn more about using Canvas. Canvas Guides, Canvas Training Services Portal, and Teaching and Learning with Technology Resources.

Getting Started with Canvas (Students)

Getting started information for students using Canvas.

Getting Started with Collaborations in Canvas (Students)

Canvas allows your instructor to create a Google Doc, Google Sheet, or Google Slides and share it with students using a feature called "Collaborations." You may be assigned to a Collaboration by yourself (meaning only you and your instructor can view it) or in a group (meaning all group members and your instructor can view it).

Getting Started with Groups in Canvas (Students)

Instructors can create groups inside a course as a collaborative tool that allows students to communicate with each other and work together on course assignments. Students assigned to a group can create their own discussions, collaborations, announcements, and conferences that are not visible to the rest of the students enrolled in the course.

Google Drive and Canvas

The Google Drive web service allows you to integrate Canvas with your Google Drive account. The Google Drive folder is accessed from the Course Navigation Menu. You can create an online assignment or a collaboration that embeds a document directly from your Google Drive folder into Canvas.

How to Log into Canvas

Log into Canvas to access your Canvas course:

How to Request a Canvas Sandbox Course (Instructors)

In Canvas, Sandbox courses are given to instructors by request to create new course content and to experiment with different features in Canvas. Sandboxes can be created for a specific course or for generic testing and looking at new Canvas features that are available every month.

How to Request a Custom Canvas Home Page (Instructors)

The Canvas Course Home Page is the first view your students will see when they enter your course. For the Course Home Page, you can work with an instructional designer to select a design, customize the details and create your perfect Course Home Page.

Microsoft OneDrive and Canvas

The Microsoft OneDrive cloud service allows you to integrate Canvas with your OneDrive account. The OneDrive folder is accessed from the Course Navigation Menu. You can create an online assignment or a collaboration that embeds a document directly from your OneDrive folder into Canvas.

Moving a Canvas Quizzes Question Bank to a New Quizzes Item Bank

The question banks in Classic Quizzes cannot be directly migrated to the item banks in New Quizzes. This article presents a work around.

New Quizzes in Canvas (Instructors)

As Classic Quizzes move toward a June 2024 planned retirement, it is recommended that instructors begin exploring New Quizzes. You can still create, edit, and use Classic Quizzes. In the Fall 2022 term, you will be able to create quizzes using Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes.

Template Courses in Canvas

Course templates allow you to configure, store and reuse an entire course or components of a course, such as quizzes, assignments, surveys, images, and so on, and then use the components in individual course offerings. Contact the Center for Development, Design and Delivery ( to discuss your requirements and determine the best option for your Academic Unit or department.

User Roles and Permissions Available in Canvas

In Canvas at TWU, permissions allow users to access certain features and perform certain functions.