TWU Email on Android

Depending on the version of Android and the type of device being used, there may be slight variations in the screens described below and the screens on the Android being used. If these are different from the device, please configure it based on the following information for Exchange:

• Email Address: <TWU username>

• Domain: faculty and staff use “fs”

• Username: TWU username

• Exchange Server Address:

• Use Secure Connection (SSL): Yes, Always

• Synchronization: Automatic (Push)

• Send Email from this Account by Default: Select yes if the TWU email will be the default outgoing email for this phone.

Google Settings

Email Address: [TWU username]
Password: TWU password
Use Secure Connection (SSL): Yes, Always

Configure Android for GMail

Follow the instructions to sync a TWU GMail with an Android device

Configure Android for Exchange

1. Open Settings > Accounts & sync > Add Account.

2. Depending on version and manufacturer; Select Corporate, Corporate Sync, Exchange Active Sync.

3. Enter TWU email address and password.

4. Tap Next.

5. Enter account information when prompted.
       - Enter in the Server field.
       - Make sure there is a check mark next to Use secure connection (SSL).

6. Tap Next.

7. A Remote security administration warning may appear. The warning reads, “The server owa.twu.edurequires that you allow it to remotely control some security features of your phone. Do you wish to finish setting up this account?” If this warning appears, tap OK.

8. Select account options.
    - Email checking frequency: Automatic (Push) is recommended. This means that email will be delivered to the device as soon as it is received by the Exchange account. If the TWU account has very heavy traffic, a more reasonable option such as every 5 or 10 minutes might extend battery life.

    - Amount to synchronize: This setting determines how far back Exchange email and calendar items will be synced and saved locally on the device. We recommend using a minimum of 1 week.
        - If the TWU email is to be the primary email account put a check mark next to “Send email from this account by default."
        - To be notified when a new Exchange email arrives on the Android device, put a check mark next to Notify me when email arrives.
        - For Exchange contacts to be synced with the Android device, put a check mark next to Sync contacts from this account.
        - To sync Exchange calendar with Android device, put a check mark next to Sync calendar from this account. (Android 2.1 does not offer this option.)
        - Make sure Sync email from this account has a check mark next to it.
        - To automatically download attachments on an Android device when connected to wireless, such as "TWUnet," put a check mark next to Automatically download attachments when connected to Wi-Fi.

9. Tap Next.

10. The user may be prompted to select required security settings at this time. If so, refer to Security Settings Update below. Otherwise, there will be a prompt to select these settings after completing setting up the account.

11. Complete the account setup

    - Enter TWU Exchange in the “Give this account a name" field.
    - Enter full name in the “Your Name” field. This is how the name will be displayed on Exchange emails sent from the Android device.

12. Tap Done.

Android is now configured for Exchange. The Android device will begin syncing TWU email, calendar, and contact items from Exchange. This may take a few moments.

Security Settings Update

After configuring Android for Exchange, Android will display the following message: Account "TWU Exchange" requires security settings update

This message requires action before Exchange email or calendar use. If the user tries to access the Exchange email before activating the required security changes, they will automatically be taken to the Update Security Settings screen (see below). The Exchange calendar will not be available until required security changes are activated.
To act upon this message, do the following:

1. Swipe down from the notification bar at the top of the screen to open the notifications screen.

2. Tap the new notification labeled Update Security Settings.

3. The notification says, “Activate device administrator - The server requires that you allow it to remotely control some security features of your phone”. The following items are listed below this message. The wording of these items varies between carriers and versions of Android.

      - Erase all data
      - Set password rules / Limit password
      - Monitor screen-unlock attempts / Watch login attempts
      - Lock the screen / Force lock
      - Set lock-screen password expiration
      - Set storage encryption

4. Tap Activate.

The security options shown above are handled by the Exchange server and are applied only at the user's request. These security options will never be used without user approval.

For additional support, contact the Technology Service Desk at 940-898-3971,,, or submit a request through the Technology Service Catalog.

We do our best to link to only the best external sites but we cannot be held responsible for the quality or accuracy of such websites.


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Article ID: 11288
Thu 2/18/16 3:57 PM
Mon 8/15/22 2:03 PM

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