Facilities Management

Categories (7)

Business Mail and Package Services

Information on business mail, intercampus mail, and package receipt/delivery.

FMC Policies, SOPs, and Forms

A list of forms with which to request service on, report usage of, or provide status for the assets of the University maintained by Facilities Management & Construction.

FMC Processes & Flow Charts

This category is a repository for forms used to outline and direct clients through various services provided by Facilities Management & Construction to the University community.

This section provides informative instructions, flow charts, documented processes and directions to assist clients with standardized, routine or systematic requests and other miscellaneous needs.

Moving and Surplus

We move items for Faculty and Staff and we can help you with:

Moving office furniture and equipment
Resource Recovery Program = reduce, reuse and recycle by submitting & reserving surplus items
Finding Temporary Faculty and Staff storage options
Notifications for Public Auctions

Rates & Fees

Listing of all current rental/use rates for vehicles and equipment managed by FMC, eligible for use by other departments, faculty and staff.

FMC Project Requests

Help for the FMC Project Request online system for both requestors and approvers. Users may request modifications to the aesthetics, spatial arrangement, or construction within or of area(s), or functional reorganization of a space. This request process enables the request(s) to be routed automatically through the system, also used for Work, Move and Key requests. The requests entered will then be available for online review and approval by the appropriate AVP/Dean and on to VP/Provost for approvals based on department name selected on the request. Instructions for entry of these requests have been uploaded to the TWU Knowledge Base > Facilities Management.

Space Planning and Allocation

Space is a central and finite resource for TWU. Proper planning and allocation of space optimizes the efficient use of this resource and serves to advance the mission and strategic priorities of the University.

Articles (3)

FMC Services & Instruction (PowerPoint Presentation)

This presentation is animated and offers detailed instruction, tips and reminders for procuring and managing requested services provided by Facilities Management & Construction.

Requesting Drawings

This will give information on where/how to submit a request for campus drawings. Additionally, where to go for standard building maps, without having to submit a request.