2023/24 Staff Performance Evaluation - For Supervisors (Oracle Cloud Steps)


The eligibility for this performance cycle requires that all regular part-time and full-time staff employees hired prior to July 1, 2024 participate in the performance evaluation process. The performance evaluation ratings will be utilized for the limited merit which is available to all regular part-time and full-time faculty and staff that were ineligible last year due to hire date (7/1/23 - 6/30/24, with additional eligibility criteria). 

This article will review the timeline for the performance evaluation process and provide Oracle Cloud instructions for:

  • Marking Goals Completed 
  • Reviewing the Employee Self-Appraisal 
  • Four Tasks within the Performance Evaluation
    • First Level Supervisor Enters the Evaluation 
    • Second Level Supervisor Approves 
    • First Level Supervisor Holds Performance Review Meeting 
    • Employee reviews the evaluation and provides final feedback 

There are some key terms that we have defined here to ensure that all eligible employees understand key steps in this process: 

  • First Level Supervisor: An employee's direct supervisor, also referred to as a line manager. 
  • Second Level Supervisor: Your direct supervisor's supervisor. 
  • Performance Goals: Specific, measurable objectives set for employees to achieve during the review period. 
  • Self-Appraisal: An employee's own assessment of their work performance, developed before performance evaluation, focusing on their accomplishments, challenges, and professional development. 
  • Performance Evaluation: A formal review conducted by a supervisor to assess an employee's job performance, including feedback and ratings. 
  • Performance Evaluation Meeting: An in-person or virtual meeting between the employee and their supervisor to discuss the results of the performance evaluation, provide feedback, and allow questions by the employee. 

Performance Evaluation Timeline (September 23 - November 8) 

  • September 23 - October 4
    • Online supervisor/employee training available. 
    • Self-Appraisals entered by employees. 
      • First level supervisors may begin evaluations as soon as self-appraisals are complete. 
  • October 7 - October 18 
    • Performance evaluations entered by the first level supervisors 
      • Second level supervisors may begin approval as soon as evaluations are entered. 
  • October 21 - October 25 
    • Performance evaluations reviewed and approved by the second level supervisors. 
  • October 28 - November 8
    • Performance evaluation meetings with employees. 
      • Individualized meetings are required. 

Performance Goals

All regular full-time and part-time staff employees hired prior to July 1, 2024, will participate in the Performance Evaluation Process and should have entered their performance goals. 

The Office of Human Resources recommends that Performance Goals be reviewed and marked completed by employees prior to completing the Self-Appraisal. There is a separate training available on "submitting completed goals". 

Performance Goals are scored in the Performance Evaluation by supervisors and are weighted in the overall Performance Evaluation score as 25% of the overall score. 

How Employees Can Navigate to Performance Goals

Step 1) Log-in to Oracle Cloud. 

Step 2) Click on Me > Career and Performance: 

Step 3) Click on the "Goals" tile: 

Step 4) Click on the "Pencil" icon next to each goal to change the status: 

Step 5) Change the status of the goal to "Completed". 

Step 6) Click on the "Save" button in the upper right-hand side of your screen: 

How to Navigate to Team Member's Performance Goals

Step 1) The employee will mark their performance goals completed. 

Step 2) The supervisor will receive a notification and approve. 

Step 3) Click on My Team > Performance Overview:

Step 4) Click on "Completed" to View the Employee's Goals: 

Step 5) Review the completed performance goals from this screen: 


All participating staff employees will complete the same self-appraisal. The self-appraisals do not require supervisor approval. 

The Office of Human Resources does recommend that performance goals be reviewed and mark completed by the employee prior to completing the self-appraisal. Self-Appraisal training is also available as a separate training. 

The Self-Appraisal has four main components: 

  1. Goals 
  2. Job Content 
  3. Accomplishments 
  4. Additional Comments 

This sample image illustrates what the self-appraisal form looks like from the employee perspective: 

How to Navigate to Team Member's Self-Appraisal 

Step 1) Log-in to Oracle Cloud. 

Step 2) Click on My Team > Performance: 

Step 3) Click on the Self-Appraisal for the team member: 

Step 4) Click on the "View" button to access self-appraisal: 

Step 5) From this screen, you can now view the employee's responses to their self-appraisal: 

First Level Supervisor Navigates to the Team Member's Performance Evaluation

Step 1) Log-in to Oracle Cloud. 

Step 2) Click on My Team > Performance: 

Step 3) Select the Performance Evaluation for the correct team member: 

Note: Each Staff Employee will have a total of two forms: 

  • The 2023-24 Staff Self-Appraisal 
  • The 2023-24 Staff Performance Evaluation (two distinct types): 
    • Staff Employees without Direct Reports
      • This form is applicable to staff employees without direct reports or staff employees without direct reports and are in the first or second line of approval to the Chancellor. 
    • Staff Employees with Direct Reports
      • This form is applicable to staff supervisors with direct reports (including students) or staff supervisors with direct reports and are in the first or second line of approval to the Chancellor. 

Step 4) Click on "Evaluate" to begin the evaluation for the selected employee: 

Step 5) Evaluate the goals and competencies of the selected employee: 

Goals Example for Highly Effective: 

Paul successfully achieved all three of the mutually agreed upon goals this annual review cycle which includes:

  • Improving accuracy of our assignments and faculty/staff details report by adding key information, such as Person ID, FTE, and hire dates. 
  • Providing training resources to help employees prepare for their performance evaluations, enhancing overall organizational efficiency. 
  • Optimizing the performance evaluation process in Oracle Cloud by refining the competencies section, ensuring that all content items are up to date and aligned with our performance management standards. 

Competency Example: 

Skill, Proficiency, and Effectiveness in completing assignments in a timely manner - Exceptional. 

Paul consistently demonstrates exceptional skill and proficiency in his role, completing all assignments with a high degree of accuracy and efficiency. His ability to prioritize tasks ensures that he meets deadlines consistently, even under tight time constraints. John’s thorough attention to detail and commitment to quality make him a standout performer, and his work output regularly exceeds expectations. 

Notes & Considerations for Effective Evaluations

All staff employees without direct reports are evaluated using the same form, and the same 13 competencies. All staff employees with direct reports are evaluated using the same form, and have an additional 6 competencies they are evaluated on (19 in total for staff with direct reports). 

One supervisor competency changed to evaluate supervisors based on timely completion of their direct report's mandatory training requirements. 

Second level supervisors will review and approve the performance evaluations submitted by the first level supervisors. Exception: Those staff employees that directly report to a position that reports to the Chancellor and President or direct reports to the Chancellor and President. In both cases, there is only one level of approval required. 

Performance Evaluation Ratings

The performance evaluation ratings have five ranges for determining the meaning behind each score:

  • Exceptional (Scores from 4.50 - 5.00) rating is reserved for the employee that performs consistently superior work and exceeds the position requirements. This rating is considered to be a very high rating. 
  • Highly Effective (Scores from 3.50 - 4.49) rating is a high rating and reflects the employee that frequently exceeds the requirements of their position. 
  • Proficient (Scores from 2.50 - 3.49) rating is a good rating and acknowledges employee performance that consistently meets position requirements. 
  • Inconsistent (Scores from 1.50 - 2.49) rating reflects performance where some, but not all, of the position requirements are met. 
  • Unsatisfactory (Scores from 1.00 - 1.49) rating is the lowest range and is reserved for an employee's performance that consistently fails to meet the minimum requirements of their position, lacks the skills required, or fails to utilize the necessary skills required to be successful. 

Note: This data suggests that we are either a high performing organization or that there is performance rating inflation. 

Step 6) Click on the "Calculate" button to generate an overall score: 

Note: Ratings of "unsatisfactory" (1 star) or "exceptional" (5 stars) on any competency require manager comments. 

Step 7) Scroll to the top of the page and click on "Save and Close" to ensure your comments and scores are saved:

Step 8) Click on the "Submit" button: 

Step 9) A warning box will appear to remind supervisors to add comments for any 1 star or 5 star ratings, click "Yes" to proceed: 

Step 10) Click the "Submit" button to send the evaluation to the second level supervisor for review and approval: 

Step 11) Add any final comments and then click on the "Submit" button: 

There is now a notification at the top of the evaluation with the message "We are submitting your changes for approval." - No action is needed here:

Supervisors can see the status of the evaluation within the workflow by selecting My Team > Performance > See how it's going.

Second Level Supervisor Reviews Employee's Performance Evaluation

Step 1) The second level supervisor will receive a notification and email to approve the evaluation:

Step 2) Open the Approvals window to view the evaluation: 

Step 3) Second level supervisors can choose to request information, approve, delegate, or reassign: 

Note on Actions: 

  • Request Information: Sends evaluation back to first level supervisors and asks for additional information. 
  • Delegate: Delegates this specific approval to another person. 
  • Reassign: Reassigns the approval flow to another individual.

WARNING: Do not use the "reject" option. It will eliminate the whole evaluation. 

To Approve, please do the following: 

Select the evaluation hyperlink at the bottom:


 Step 4) Click on "View" to review evaluation and then "See Details" to prompt the approval option: 

Step 5) Click on the "Approve" button: 

and remember to add any comments before clicking "Submit": 

Step 6: Now the evaluation is marked as "Approval in Progress" and the information is locked in - no action is needed:

Performance Review Meeting

A mandatory meeting that is best held in-person, however a video call is acceptable. Schedule an uninterrupted time to meet with the employee with few distractions. You may review each competency.

Review the overall performance rating score with the employee and the overall rating. Remind employees to review the evaluation and provide feedback. Allow the employee to ask questions, discuss the evaluation and future development, accomplishments and goals.

Indicate within the Oracle Cloud that Performance Review Meeting was Held

Step 1) First level supervisor receives notification that the second level supervisor has approved the evaluation. 

Step 2) The first level supervisor clicks on My Team > Performance: 

Step 3) Click on the "Performance" tile: 

Step 4) Click on 2023-24 Staff Performance Evaluation:

Step 5) Click on the "Indicate Meeting Held" button: 

Step 6) Enter the date of the Performance Review Meeting and select "Submit": 

Step 7) The "Confirm Review Meeting Held" item is now marked as complete: 

Employee Reviews Evaluation and Provides Final Feedback

The employee will receive a notification and email once the evaluation can be reviewed after approvals. They will open the evaluation via the link at the bottom:

The employee will input any comments and then select "Submit": 

The supervisor can review the comments by clicking on the link in their notifications window: 

and selecting the evaluation hyperlink near the bottom of the page: 

The supervisor can now review the final feedback provided by the employee: 

Key Takeaways and Contact Information

  1. Encourage employees to mark their goals as completed to initiate the approval workflow. 
  2. Review Goals and Self-Appraisal prior to entering in the Evaluation. 
  3. When in the Approvals field, do not use "Reject". This triggers a full deletion of the whole evaluation. 
  4. There are four main tasks within the Performance Evaluation Process: First Level Supervisor Evaluation, Second Level Supervisor Approves, First Level Supervisor Holds Performance Review Meeting, and Employee Provides Final Feedback. 

Employees that have questions about this process in Oracle Cloud can contact: 

Tony Yardley
Director, Human Resources


Briana Clary
Employee Relations and Compliance Specialist 


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Article ID: 161730
Mon 9/23/24 2:50 PM
Mon 9/23/24 5:17 PM