Reactivate Duo Mobile for New Devices

New Device (phone, tablet, etc.)

New phones need to be connected with your current Duo account. To do so, you'll need to reactivate Duo Mobile. Contact the Technology Service Desk for activation instructions.

Lost Phone

  1. Contact the Technology Service Desk as soon as possible so that the phone number on file can be dissociated with your Duo account.
  2. The Service Desk can assist with alternative two-factor authentication options in order to connect to TWU VPN.
  3. Once the device is replaced, it will need to be reactivated with Duo. 
  4. Contact the Technology Service Desk for activation instructions.

For additional support, contact the Technology Service Desk at,, or submit a request through the Technology Service Catalog.

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Article ID: 65364
Wed 10/17/18 12:17 PM
Wed 7/15/20 1:18 PM