How do I get technology support?

Asked by Heather Davis on Tue 9/13/16 10:37 AM
I need access to the Faculty List Serv to submit a request. - Vicki Baker Mon 10/25/21 3:57 PM
Can I get access to SPSS 28? - Leolin Castillo Mon 1/9/23 2:24 PM
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Answers (4)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Heather Davis Tue 9/13/16 10:39 AM Last edited Mon 7/8/19 2:20 PM

Contact the Technology Service Desk at,, or submit a request through the Technology Service Catalog.

2 of 2 users found this helpful.

Lettica Redmond Sun 10/2/22 2:48 AM

Hello, Please renew SPSS Amos 28

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Kunta Gautam Mon 3/30/20 4:19 PM

Allan was awesome! He walked me through on installing SPSS and helped me out via remotely on my screen. 

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Sherri Myers Mon 7/24/17 8:42 AM

The service was quick and easy

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