Make Sedona Data Public

Tags faculty
  1. Log on to Sedona.
  2. From the Member Console, select Profile in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select the Public tab. 
  4. In order to share Sedona data, type a string of characters in the empty box. Do not leave blanks between characters. Use the underscore character to simulate a blank. The string of characters may contain numbers and letters and must be six to thirty characters in length. Numbers are not required. Remember that for web addresses, capitalization matters.
  5. After entering an address string, a new link appears. This link becomes active within 24 hours. Clicking that link takes you to your fairly empty Public Profile. Return to your Sedona Public Profile screen to select which data should be available.
  6. Make your vitae available by selecting Allow people to see my CV. The note “newly created templates will not be operational until the next day” refers to the drop down list that appears after you select the CV allow option. In this drop-down, you will see all of the available templates or formats for your CV. Select Online (all years) - No SN. 
  7. Click the View Your Public Profile link again. The screen looks similar as to when there were no data share, but there is now a Curriculum Vitae tab above your name and on the right, options to export and print your CV. Selecting the Curriculum Vitae tab to see your Sedona CV after it renders.
  8. If you would like this public CV to appear on your profile please email this Public URL to

Select Additional Profile Data
Choose to make any of this information public by checking beside the category:

  • Allow people to see and download my shared files
  • Allow people to see my email address
  • Allow people to see my office location
  • Allow people to see my office phone number
  • Allow people to see my office fax number
  • Allow people to see my "other" number
  • Allow people to see my website address
  • Allow people to see my office hours

The final pieces of data you may choose to share are from your Sedona Profile. It’s important to note that if you don’t provide the information in the Sedona database, it will not be shared on your public profile, even if you select the option to be shown. Choose to make any of this information public by checking beside the category:

  • Allow people to see my bio
  • Allow people to see my birthday (month/day only)
  • Allow people to see my tenure year
  • Allow people to see my executive summary
  • Allow people to see my research interests
  • Allow people to see my research skills
  • Allow people to see my research summary
  • Allow people to see my research evidence of effectiveness
  • Allow people to see my future research plans
  • Allow people to see my teaching interests
  • Allow people to see my teaching philosophy
  • Allow people to see my teaching skills
  • Allow people to see my teaching summary
  • Allow people to see my teaching evidence of effectiveness
  • Allow people to see my teaching future plans
  • Allow people to see my service interests
  • Allow people to see my service philosophy
  • Allow people to see my service summary

Profile Photo

The Sedona Public Profile layout provides a default space for a photo. If you choose to make your profile public, you may choose to add a photo in your Sedona Profile Bio so that your public profile will have a photo. To do this, select the Bio tab and upload a 300 px by 300 px approved TWU headshot.

Public vs. Private

You may change what is publicly available at any time. To remove all public information, return to the Public Profile screen in Sedona and delete the public URL character string. Even though the options below that field remain selected, there is no web address associated with your Sedona data. Therefore no one will be able to access your Sedona public profile

Share a Public Profile
To share the link to your profile with others,  copy the Public URL on the Public tab that includes your character string. 

For additional support, contact the Technology Service Desk at,, or submit a request through the Technology Service Catalog.

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Article ID: 18123
Mon 11/7/16 2:25 PM
Thu 4/7/22 11:58 AM

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