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The Bursar's office manages all forms that require anonymous payments.

Automate your workflow by collaborating with IT Solutions. Move paper forms online and reduce the cost of doing business.

Submit this form if you need help with the technology in a classroom or just need training on how to use the technology in the classroom.
*If you are having problems with this form, please email with screenshots and a brief description of your problem.*

After IT Solutions completes a custom application on behalf of a Department or Group, extensive testing is required to ensure that the application both functions as desired and has the look and feel wanted.

Sometimes off-the-shelf software cannot meet the unique and complex requirements of a department, group, or business organization. TWU’s team of experienced developers and project coordinators can help, whether the need is a minor adjustment to existing software or the implementation of a major system.

Find support for Oracle Cloud using this brief form

System owners that need to replace a cloud service that is not TX-RAMP compliant may request a transitional grace period.

TWU provides a searchable directory of faculty, staff, and student employees. There is also a directory search by department.

Choose from various software to support word processing, data analysis, presentations, desktop publishing, calendar-keeping, emailing, and PDF needs.

In accordance with TWU Regulation and Procedure 02.450, IT Solutions provides laptops and certificates for employees who plan to travel to foreign countries.

TWU Technology works with faculty on custom software solutions, particularly to innovate in areas such as assessment.

IT Solutions offers a variety of of training and outreach opportunities in support of software, hardware, productivity, and business processes.

Reporting information security concerns or suspected security incidents.

Individuals such as contractors, pre-employment individuals, and other University Affiliates may be eligible for TWU Portal usernames.

Contract Routing Request for purchases that require a contract review