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WebAdvisor-Print a Tuition Bill or Payments

Log in to WebAdvisor using these steps: WebAdvisor-Log on S​elect Student.​ Navigate to Financial Information (2nd blue bar on left side of page). Select Account Summary by Term. This will

Colleague-Using PERC to Lift Student Restrictions

Prerequisites Staff member must have Colleague Mnemonic PERC available through the ST – Student System. Staff member's Staff and Volunteer (SVM) record must include the appropriate office code

WebAdvisor-Resolving Maximum Cookies Error

When navigating to WebAdvisor or clicking a link that goes to a page in WebAdvisor, a message appears saying "The maximum number of cookie values has been reached." and WebAdvisor does not load

Remove user from an X-Drive folder

Log on to Pioneer Portal Click My Tools Click X Drive Storage Group Management  (under Faculty/Staff Tools) In the Select action... dropdown, select MODIFY group Type in the exact folder name

ART Classrooms

ART Capacity Type 101 36 Classroom 106 21 Computer Classroom 110 25 Classroom Studio 202 25

OMB Classrooms

OMB Capacity Type 208 20 Classroom 221 30 Classroom Lab 401 20 Computer Classroom 403 43

SH Classrooms

SH Capacity Type 307 15 Computer Classroom 308 15 Videoconference Classroom 412 12 Videoconference Classroom Lab

PH Classrooms

PH Capacity Type 102 28 Classroom 104 30 Computer Classroom 105 30 Computer Classroom 107 32 Classroom

MCL Room # 502 Information

Capacity: 56 Fixed instructor station with Computer Touch panel Document camera HDMI, RCA,  & VGA (laptop hookup cables) Wireless microphones Spare batteries Dual

MCL Room # 310 Information

Specialty computer classroom/lab designed for specific needs of Math and Computer Sciences department. Capacity: 22 Mobile instructor station with Computer Interactive Flat Panel

Set Default Printer: Windows 10

Click on the Windows icon Start typing, Printers & scanners (or right-click and search) Click on the printer you would like to be the default Click Manage Click Set as default For

Computer Refresh Backup Instructions

Everyone is responsible to maintain records or files in a location that is regularly backed up. This process can be simplified by keeping all files stored on Google drive or on the X: drive. Both

How to Quickly Lock a Computer

Use keyboard shortcuts to quickly lock a PC or a Mac. On a PC, use the keyboard combination and simultaneously hold:   (Windows) + L On a Mac, use the keyboard combination and simultaneously

Diagrams and other images for Faculty presentations

Faculty needing images, altered images, or diagrams for course presentations may go to the Center for Faculty Excellence for graphics and design needs

Redbud Classrooms

Redbud Capacity Type 204 25 Classroom Studio 215 22 Classroom Studio For additional support, contact the Technology Service Desk