How to View Grant Awards

Tags faculty staff
  1. Go to
  2. Log on as a college
  3. Under Activity Aggregations, select Honors, Awards, and Grants
  4. The default view is for all departments, the last five years, all types of grants (teaching, research, etc), and Funded. Honors, award, and scholarships are listed first. Then, grants are divided by internal and external, and then the total amount.

Report Options
Run the report by department to see individual faculty awards
The years can be changed – including academic vs. calendar year
View pending and not funded grants, as well as funded grants

Note: To view any specific information about the grant (beyond department, faculty member, year, and amount),  run the “Grant Detail” under Query Builder. That query can be exported to Excel and manipulated within the software. 

For additional support, contact the Technology Service Desk at,, or submit a request through the Technology Service Catalog.

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Article ID: 18121
Mon 11/7/16 2:06 PM
Thu 4/7/22 12:00 PM

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