New Quizzes in Canvas (Instructors)

As Classic Quizzes moves forward with no new features being added, it is recommended that instructors begin exploring New Quizzes. You can still create, edit, and use Classic Quizzes. In the Fall 2022 term, you will be able to create quizzes using Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes. Canvas continues to develop features prioritized by the community, refer to New Quizzes FAQ and New Quizzes Feature Comparison provided by Canvas.

Enabling New Quizzes

To enable New Quizzes in a class, go to the Settings tab on the left. Then, at the top, click on Feature Options. Toward the bottom will be New Quizzes; click on the circled X to enable it. There is also an option to Default to New Quizzes; leave this disabled if you would like to be asked every time if you’d like to create a New or Classic quiz.

Settings > Feature Options > New Quizzes

To tell at a glance between a New Quiz and a Classic Quiz, look at the rocketship icon. 

Rocketship Color

If the rocketship is an outline, it is a Classic Quiz. If the rocketship is filled, it is a New Quiz.

Features in Classic Quizzes that are NOT in New Quizzes

The Feature Comparison is a high-level overview of the differences. Listed below are some additional features in Canvas Quizzes that are not available in New Quizzes:

  • Honorlock is not supported with New Quizzes.
  • Question banks created in Classic Canvas Quizzes cannot be migrated directly to New Quizzes.
  • Canvas Quizzes downloads student analysis and item analysis as CSV files for additional research and reporting. New Quizzes statistics are found on the Reports tab of the quiz builder, and are generated on demand for the New Quiz and Item Analysis Reports. Review How do I view reports for a quiz in New Quizzes?
  • It is not possible to create question groups that are not linked to a question bank. There is a new item type called a Stimulus type that allows a group of questions to be associated with a block of content. Review How do I insert stimulus content in New Quizzes?

Migrating Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes

Classic Quizzes can be migrated on an individual basis through the user interface. If you would like to migrate multiple Classic Quizzes, you can select multiple quizzes to export and import that export file using the “Import assessment content as New Quizzes” option during the import process. To export a New Quiz as a QTI ZIP file review How do I export a New Quiz from a course? Additional differences you may see when you migrate your quiz include:

  • Some question types, such as the multiple fill-in-the-blank type, may lose content or formatting because the entire question text is placed in the fill-in-the-blank type-a-statement field instead of the question stem area. If you have images or use tables in your multiple fill-in-the-blank question type, they will require editing after migration.
  • LaTex formulas in question prompts and responses will be converted to images during the migration process and will no longer be editable.
  • Classic Quizzes question groups with embedded questions not linked to a bank will import as item bank questions. However, the item bank questions are not stored in an editable item bank, but instead are stored in the quiz. To view the questions in the group, preview the quiz. All quiz questions in the group will be displayed in the preview.

Differences in the Student Experience

If you decide to incorporate a New Quizzes quiz with existing Classic Quizzes in your course, prepare your students for both to avoid confusion.

  • If you use Respondus Lockdown Browser with New Quizzes, the student is presented with a link to click that launches Respondus Lockdown Browser for them, and after signing in, are taken directly to the quiz. It may be a less confusing process for your students than using Classic Quizzes where students are prompted to open the Respondus LockDown Browser themselves, sign in to Canvas, navigate back to your course, and locate your quiz.
  • You cannot disable the option to require students to use Respondus LockDown Browser to view the results using Respondus LockDown Browser in New Quizzes. If you wish to disable that feature, you will need to remove the Respondus Lockdown Browser requirement from the quiz after students have completed taking the quiz.
  • You cannot moderate a quiz during an active attempt to adjust the amount of time remaining. If extra time is needed, submit the quiz attempt manually or ask the student to submit the quiz. Then re-open the submission and provide additional time. Review How do I moderate a student's quiz attempt in New Quizzes? Assignment availability dates and times still apply and may require modification for the student to continue.
  • For students with accommodations, you are able to add either a time multiplier, or a set amount of time, for all New Quizzes at once, rather than entering the extra time manually on each Classic Quiz. 

Support Options

  1. Contact an Instructional Design Partner to design effective assessments for students using New Quizzes in your Canvas courses.
  2. New Quizzes documentation in Canvas Instructor Guide
  3. New Quizzes Hub (Roadmap)
  4. To request technical support, submit a Technology Service Desk email to start a ticket.
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Article ID: 145941
Fri 8/19/22 5:05 PM
Fri 4/26/24 11:45 PM