Technology Governance

The purpose of technology governance is to ensure that IT Solutions: a) is strategically aligned with the University; b) creates opportunities and maximizes benefits; c) uses resources responsibly; and d) manages risks appropriately. 

The purpose of the Technology Governance Policy is to provide a framework for decisions regarding technology at the University.  The Associate Vice President for Technology and CIO, under the direction of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chancellor and President, and/or the Board of Regents, is ultimately accountable for technology at the University.

IT Solutions serves the mission of the University and regulators of the state. IT Solutions is governed by internal leaders, the Academic Council, and the Executive Council.

Internal Leaders

Jason Tomlinson, VP Finance & Administration & Interim VP IT Solutions
Vacant, CIO
Cori Trevino, Deputy CIO 

Subhendu Rath, Director, Enterprise Applications & Integrations
Vonnie Garza, Director, Enterprise Support Services

Academic Council

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Executive Vice Provost
Vice Provost fo
r Institutional Research and Improvement
Vice Provost for Curriculum & Strategic Initiatives
College Deans, Dean of TWU Libraries
Speaker of Faculty Senate
Chair of the Council of Chairs

Executive Council

Chancellor and President
Provost and Vice President Academic Affairs

Associate Vice President Enrollment Management
Vice President Finance and Administration
Vice President Student Life
Vice President University Advancement
Executive Director of Human Resources

Associate Vice President for Technology and CIO

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Article ID: 11760
Wed 3/16/16 10:26 AM
Thu 5/23/24 8:44 AM