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All Texas Woman's University alumni are eligible for TWU Alumni Mail, a free "email for life" address that showcases their alumni status. TWU Alumni Mail is web-based, mobile-friendly and powered by Google.
This article is a consolidation of the questions presented in preparation of USPS ceasing operations on the TWU Denton campus. It contains the type/category of question, sample question(s) from that category, and the primary responses.
This process only works for email in the user's Exchange inbox (not for subfolders or archive folders).
Date Reviewed: March 2015
Related Regent Policy: A.03 University Facilities
Create a mail archive on a computer, a connected hard drive, or a mapped network drive to store email and especially mail with audio and/or video attachments.
If you want to clean up your inbox without deleting your emails, you can archive or mute them. Your emails are moved to a label called "All Mail."
TWU email on an iPhone
Here is what you should do if you as an employee receive a document that looks to be a Request for Public Information
Gmail accounts allow adding a delegate from within TWU. This person can read, send, and delete messages for someone else.