Canvas Badges in Canvas (Instructors)

Canvas Badges is an add-on application that allows instructors to design and award digital badges as an indicator of accomplishment or skill that can be earned within a Canvas course. For example, an instructor could design a badge for each Canvas module in the course. If a student satisfactorily completes all the assignments in a Canvas course module, a badge could be awarded to the student. Students can collect and display their earned badges in Canvas and/or via social media sites.

Canvas Badges Resources

To start, submit a Technology Service Desk email to start a ticket requesting Canvas Credentials be added to your course navigation. To complete setting up Canvas Credentials/Badges in your course complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to your Canvas course
  2. Publish the Canvas course (see How do I publish a course?)
  3. Create the learning activities and add them to modules in Canvas (see How do I add requirements to a module?)
  4. Open Badgr, to login click Sign in with Google, and select your TWU Gmail account
  5. Complete the steps How do I create a badge issuer in Canvas Badges?
  6. Complete the steps How do I create a badge in Canvas Badges?

Additional resources:

  1. Tracking student progress in Canvas using Canvas Badges as a Teacher
  2. Troubleshooting: Unexpected badge award behaviors in Canvas

Note: Only Teacher and Student roles can be used with Canvas Credentials/Badges. Custom roles are not supported.

Support Options

  1. Contact an Instructional Design Partner to design learning activities for students, training to use Canvas Badges features, or talk about effective ways to interact with students using digital badges in your Canvas courses. 
  2. To request technical support, submit a Technology Service Desk email to start a ticket.
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Article ID: 72804
Thu 2/28/19 12:02 PM
Wed 3/6/24 4:16 PM

Related Articles (2)

Badgr in Canvas allows instructors to issue digital badges to students as they complete modules or other activities in their Canvas courses. The instructor has to have enabled Badgr in the Canvas course for you to use this feature.
There are several support options available to ask your instructor a question, search for answers online, use the Guide to Online Learning to get started using Canvas, and contacting the Technology Service Desk for technical support. Review Canvas Computer Specifications and Supported Browsers.