Staff Awards

It is time to nominate and support those TWU staff members who have gone above and beyond their job duties to make Texas Woman’s University the institution that it is today.  Please take some time out of your busy schedules to consider and nominate a TWU staff member for the Feyten-Wick Health & Wellbeing Endowed Champion Award, the Outstanding Achievement Award, the TWU Award of Excellence.


Feyten-Wick Health & Wellbeing Endowed Champion Award 

    • One non-exempt staff member
    • One exempt staff member

It gives staff the opportunity to nominate someone else or yourself for contributions in one or more of the Areas of the Health & Wellbeing Initiative:

  • Eat Well
  • Mind Well
  • Move Well
  • Spend Well
  • Build Well

Outstanding Achievement Award
All full-time staff employees, below the director level, with a minimum of two years of continuous service with Texas Woman's University, shall be eligible for consideration for the Outstanding Achievement Award. Two staff members will be selected to receive a monetary award of $250 for the Outstanding Achievement Award

TWU Award of Excellence
All full-time staff employees, below the director level, with a minimum of five years of continuous service with TWU shall be eligible for the TWU Award of Excellence.  Qualified full-time staff employees nominated for the Outstanding Achievement Award are automatically nominated for the TWU Award of Excellence.  One full-time staff employee will be selected to receive a monetary award of $500 for the TWU Award of Excellence

Awards Ceremony will be celebrated in April, 2024.

Employees shall be selected based on outstanding achievements, accomplishments or services to TWU.

Department heads, Deans, and Vice Presidents are encouraged to add supportive justification as appropriate and or to recommend additional employees as appropriate.

Nominations must be submitted on the 2024 Nomination Form or the Online Nomination link below. Additional letters of recommendation or support may be attached.

Nomination forms must be in the Office of Human Resources Department by February 29, 2024. The nominee’s employment dates and title will be verified and the forms will be forwarded to the Awards Selection Committee. The Awards Selection Committee will review nominations and submit recommendations to the Chancellor and President for approval

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Article ID: 32035
Wed 6/14/17 1:29 PM
Tue 1/23/24 4:50 PM