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Outlook Web App (OWA) Display Preferences

Common Display Settings – Standard Outlook Web App By default, Outlook Web App (OWA) uses Conversation View in all email folders. It is not currently possible to disable Conversation View for all

Remove RSS Feed in Outlook

​Delete the  RSS feed folder, once deleted this will delete the folder and cancel the RSS Feed. In the Navigation Pane,expand the RSS Feed folder Right click on the folder to remove. Click

Create a Departmental Calendar in a Public Folder

​These steps can be completed by an Owner of a Public Folder:  1. Right click on the Public Folder 2. Select New Folder 3. Enter the Name of calendar to be created 4. In the Folder

Outlook: Resolving Synchronization Errors

Close Outlook Click Start, Control Panel, Mail (change to small icons if the Mail icon does not display) Click E-mail Accounts Click the email account Click Change  Uncheck the

Vacation Rules for Oracle Workflow Notifications

Log on to Oracle at in Internet Explorer. Locate the TIP links under the Worklist table in the center of the Home page. Click the Vacation Rules link. Choose to create or update a

Worklist Access for Oracle Workflow Notifications

Log on to Oracle at in Internet Explorer. Locate the TIP links under the Worklist table in the center of the Home page. Click the Worklist Access link. To grant access to another

Connecting to TWU VPN with Duo Security Two-Factor Authentication

1. Obtain VPN Access If you do not have VPN access, Request VPN (Off-Site Network Connection) Access. Your supervisor must approve the access request through workflow. You will receive a

Remote Desktop (RDP) from iPad - if already on the internal TWU network

To connect to a Windows PC Open the App Store app Find the search box in the top right-hand corner and type Microsoft Remote Desktop. Choose to download the app. Open the new RD Client app

Live Chat with the Technology Service Desk

Initiate a Chat Session Initiate chat with the Service Desk through Select association: Student, Faculty/Staff, or Visitor. Type in First Name, Last Name, and Email address

Password Construction Guidelines

In order to gain access to TWU data, accounts are required to have a complex password. To meet TWU's complexity requirements, passwords must satisfy the following criteria and contain: ​At least

Log on to a TWU Computer on Campus

When logging onto TWU computers on campus, please try each of the following in order until one is successful: Enter full TWU email address as the username and use TWU password. Use only TWU

How to Import Exchange Mail to Google

To set up an import of TWU mail to Gmail, go to Settings in Gmail, then Accounts and Import, then Import mail and contacts. Type in the full email address. Enter the password and username

Create Outlook Signature on Mac

Click Finder and select Applications under Favorites. Open Microsoft Outlook. Select Outlook in the menu-bar and select Preferences. Select the Signatures icon. Select the Standard signature

Out of Office or other Automatic Reply in Public Folders

User needs Owner and "Send As" permissions to set auto-reply In Outlook, locate the public folder. Right-click on the folder and click Properties. A folder properties window will open. Click

Colleague-Using XPRRU for Semester Payment Status

Prerequisites To run the process, the user must have Colleague Mnemonic XPRRUavailable through the ST – Student System. To view the data, the user will need to have access to the Institutional