Search11 Results

Date Reviewed: Dec. 2017
Related Regent Policy: B.02 Academic Administration (Research and Sponsored Programs)
The Microsoft OneDrive cloud service allows you to integrate Canvas with your OneDrive account. The OneDrive folder is accessed from the Course Navigation Menu. You can create an online assignment or a collaboration that embeds a document directly from your OneDrive folder into Canvas.
The Google Drive web service allows you to integrate Canvas with your Google Drive account. The Google Drive folder is accessed from the Course Navigation Menu. You can create an online assignment or a collaboration that embeds a document directly from your Google Drive folder into Canvas.
Blog, Journal, Wiki, and Podcast templates are available for you to import into your Canvas course. The templates can be personalized or customized after they are imported. If you would like assistance getting started with a Social Media Template in your Canvas course contact your Instructional Design Partner.
If you are using a publisher website for materials and assessments in your Canvas course, you may be able to ‘pair’ your Canvas course to the publisher course site so that students can connect to the publisher site from Canvas without having to create a separate login account.
TWU has integrated LinkedIn Learning with the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). For the best experience for learners and instructors, we strongly recommend that you start in Canvas.
Turnitin is an electronic text matching system that compares text in a student assignment against a database of sources. Turnitin is frequently used as a plagiarism detection application. Best practices from instructors suggest that Turnitin OriginalityCheck can be used as a teaching tool to address citation and academic honesty.
Use Google Forms to generate a survey or take a quiz. There are times when the results of a survey or quiz need to be collected across multiple Canvas courses or multiple sections of a course.
As Classic Quizzes move toward a June 2024 planned retirement, it is recommended that instructors begin exploring New Quizzes. You can still create, edit, and use Classic Quizzes. In the Fall 2022 term, you will be able to create quizzes using Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes.
The symposium, colloquium, or seminar requires a Google Site that is able to provide speakers, facilitators, attendees, and stakeholders access to needed information. This same website is updated throughout all stages of the event to publish the details of decisions made by the event organizers.