TRS Financial Awareness Video

The financial awareness video series is aimed at helping our current members learn even more about retirement self-sufficiency. In this series of short, animated whiteboard videos, a cast of characters will guide members through three important concepts:

One, what you have – your TRS defined benefit plan. 
Two, what you need – to save more. 
And three, how to get it – by saving smart. 

Some of the videos are more relevant to early and mid-career members, while others may be of more interest to members who are near retirement. However, no matter where you are in your career, you’ll find something valuable in every video.

TRS Financial Awareness Video Series

  • Welcome to the Series
  • #1 - What Does TRS Do for Me? 
  • #2 - Will My TRS Pension Be Enough? 
  • #3 - Estimating Your TRS Benefit 
  • #4 - Setting Financial Goals 
  • #5 - Getting Retirement Ready 
  • #6 - Working Longer 
  • #7 - Should I Get a Refund? 
  • #8 - Financial Advisors 
  • #9 - Social Security 
  • #10 - Inflation 
  • #11 - Compound Interest 
  • #12 - Saving in a Tax-Deferred Plan
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Article ID: 90858
Wed 10/30/19 8:36 AM