Required Attachments For A Final Faculty Candidate

Before moving a final faculty candidate to the phase/state of "Credentials Qualification Form / Recommended (add or change)" please attach the following to your candidate:

  • All interview notes from all interviewers for all interviewees for the phone or zoom interview (aka: Round One interviews)
    • Pro tip:  If it’s clear who the interviewer was and who the interviewee was, scan them all into one PDF document before attaching.
  • All interview notes from all interviewers for all interviewees for the on-campus interview (aka: Round Two interviews)
    • Pro tip:  If it’s clear who the interviewer was and who the interviewee was, scan them all into one PDF document before attaching.
  • Final matrix listing all on-campus interviewees, with an averaged score from all interviewers
  • Three completed reference checks
  • Curriculum Vitae (if the candidate did not attach it during the application phase)
  • Transcript copies (if the candidate did not attach it during the application phase)
  • Fully executed Credentialing Qualifications Form 

Note:  If your final candidate does not meet the education or experience requirements listed in the official TWU job description for this position, you must also attach a fully executed Hiring Exception Form.


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Article ID: 160157
Mon 6/24/24 11:45 AM
Mon 6/24/24 2:56 PM