
STUDENT Recruitment Process Steps


  1. Hiring Manager begins the process by working with Career Connections to post their position in Handshake.  (see FAQ #1 on our FAQ list if you have questions about why Handshake is required.)
  2. Hiring Manager reviews list of Position Codes for their department to obtain correct position code for Requisition Creation Template.  If assistance is needed with position codes, please contact HR Compensation team.
  3. Hiring Manager completes Requisition Creation Template and submits it to  
  4. HR Recruitment creates the requisition in Oracle Cloud using the provided information.
  5. Various approvers complete the approval workflow for the new requisition.
  6. HR Recruitment formats the requisition.
  7. HR Recruitment opens the unposted requisition for sourcing.
  8. Hiring Manager provides the candidate selected in Handshake with a link to the unposted position.
  9. Candidate uses the link the Hiring Manager provided to apply to the unposted position.
  10. Hiring Manager moves selected candidate through proper phases and states to Interview / Recommended, using the comment box to provide HR Recruitment with essential information such as salary per semester, FTE, and desired start date.
  11. HR Recruitment orders HireRight criminal background search for final candidate.  We recommend you advise your candidate to be watching for this email from HireRight.
  12. Candidate responds to HireRight email providing the information necessary for the background search.
  13. HR Recruitment receives background results from HireRight.
  14. HR Recruitment moves the final candidate to Background / Satisfactory.
  15. HR Recruitment moves the final candidate to Job Offer / To Be Created.
  16. HR Recruitment creates the offer letter and submits it into approval workflow.
  17. Various approvers complete the approval workflow for the offer letter.
  18. HR Recruitment extends the offer letter to the candidate through Cloud.  The candidate receives the offer via email.
  19. Candidate accepts the offer letter.
  20. Candidate is moved to HR processing where onboarding will occur. 
  21. HR Recruitment asks the Hiring Manager to mark all unselected applicants as unselected.
  22. HR Recruitment marks the requisition as filled in Oracle Cloud if only one opening) or leaves it open if there are multiple openings.


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Article ID: 159674
Wed 6/5/24 10:39 AM
Fri 7/19/24 4:42 PM