Laptop Kiosks FAQ

How can I borrow a laptop? 

Follow the on-screen instructions.  These instructions include reading and accepting the Laptop Terms of Use. You must also have a valid TWU ID card and an active TWU username and password.

How long can I borrow a laptop? 

The time limit is four hours per loan.  If you need a laptop longer, just return the existing loaner and borrow another fully charged laptop. Laptops must be returned 15 minutes prior to the location closing for the day.

Do you restrict where I can take the laptop? 

The laptops are for use in the Blagg-Huey Library and the Student Union in Hubbard Hall.  You will not be able to log in elsewhere with your TWU username and password.

How do I sanitize a laptop? 

Each borrower is to sanitize the borrowed laptop before and after use.  Sanitization supplies are located next to each kiosk.  Never Spray Sanitizer Directly on Electronics.

  1. Spay sanitizer on the towel
  2. Gently wipe over keyboard
  3. Wipe other laptop surfaces

Is there a receipt for borrowing? 

Once the laptop ejects from the slot, a receipt will be sent to your email. The subject line will show, LaptopAnytime Notification Kiosk and the receipt will include your student ID card number, the location of the kiosk and the date/time of checkout. 

How can I return a laptop? 

Simply insert the laptop into any open slot in the original kiosk from which you borrowed it.  The kiosk will automatically generate an email receipt of the return.

What do I do if the laptop is not functioning properly when I first borrow it? 

Return the laptop to the kiosk as soon as you realize there is a problem with it. Please choose the displayed option that most closely describes the problem you had with the laptop. Then check out another laptop if available. 

What happens if I damage the laptop? 

If the laptop is damaged, return it to the original kiosk and notate on the display that it is damaged.

Why can’t I borrow a device someone else just returned? 

The kiosk performs functions such as deleting the previous student’s data and recharging the battery. 

Why are some of the laptops not able to be borrowed? 

A laptop cannot be borrowed while it is in charging mode or if one was reported damaged. Charging devices will show up as yellow on the kiosk screen. Damaged devices will show up as yellow with a wrench icon. Damaged devices will be repaired and replaced as soon as possible. 

How do I connect to the wireless network? 

Log into the laptop with your TWU username and password about 20 seconds after you power it on.  This allows it time to connect to the wireless network.  Once logged in, the device will automatically connect to the TWU wireless network. 

When I return the device, what happens to any data I have left on it? 

Laptops are wiped clean to protect student privacy after each use. 

Can I store data on the drive temporarily? 

Yes, but we recommend that you use your Google Drive cloud storage or an external storage device and save your work regularly. If the laptop reboots anytime or experiences a hardware issue during the borrowing time all data will be lost. 

Can I print from these laptops to TWU printers? 

Yes.  Print jobs can be uploaded to  Follow the onscreen instructions.  Print jobs can be retrieved from the printer release stations on the MCL first floor, Guinn Commons Lab, or the Blagg-Huey Library (Printers A and B, first floor).

What are the terms of use?

  • I agree to take proper care of the laptop.
  • I agree to keep the laptop with me for the entire time I am borrowing it.
  • I understand that I am responsible for the loss of the laptop.
  • I agree to return the laptop to the original kiosk when my time of use is up.
  • I understand that the laptop can only be used within the Blagg- Huey Library and the Student Union in Hubbard Hall.
  • I understand that the laptop can be borrowed for up to 4 hours.
  • I understand laptops must be returned 15 minutes prior to building close.
  • I understand that files created must be saved to an external storage such as a flash drive or uploaded to cloud storage.
  • I understand that all files and downloads will be deleted when the laptop is rebooted.
  • I have read and agree to abide by the Laptop Terms of Use.
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Article ID: 116099
Sun 9/13/20 5:46 PM
Mon 10/12/20 9:26 AM

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