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poster printing service
To reduce email storage or save website information and articles, emails and webpages can be "printed" to pdf to store on Google Drive.
Print virtually any document or web page from your Internet connected device to one of the Denton printers in the Megalab, Blagg-Huey Library, and the Guinn Commons Lab.
Color Printing is available on the Denton campus in the Library, Megalab, and TRC. The cost is $0.40 per page.
You may choose to access (print, and/or save) your W-2 in either Oracle (if on campus or connected to VPN) or Pioneer Portal. These are instructions for Pioneer Portal.
Date Reviewed: March 2015
Related Regent Policy: A.06.02 Marketing and Communication
Date Reviewed:March 2015
Related Regent Policy: A.06.02 Marketing and Communication
Instructors can view, save, and print the web history for any or all connected students.
Instructors can view, save, and print the application history for any or all connected students.