Legacy Classroom


Legacy Classroom Technology - Legacy Classrooms are classrooms that are in the process of being updated to our current technology standards.  If you would like more detail as to the exact technology available in your specific legacy classroom, please complete a Classroom Support Request 

We will have to add some ”May or May Nots” in this list.  Most of these legacy rooms will not have HDMI input, Integrated Room Microphone(s) for Conferencing and Recording, Integrated Camera(s) for Conferencing and Recording, Screen Share for Wirelessly Connecting Personal Devices (Ditto or Solstice), Web Conferencing via Zoom , or possibly Lecture Capture via Panopto

  • Integrated Computer with Wireless Keyboard and Mouse
  • Dual Monitors (Left Privacy and Right Displayed)
  • Projector(s) and Screen(s) and/or Display(s) for In-room Video Enhancement
  • Wireless Microphone(s) for In-room Audio Enhancement
  • Integrated Amplifier and Room Speakers 
  • Integrated Room Microphone(s) for Conferencing and Recording
  • Integrated Camera(s) for Conferencing and Recording
  • Touch Panel for Room Technology Control 
  • Document camera 
  • HDMI Input for Connecting Personal Devices
  • Screen Share for Wirelessly Connecting Personal Devices (Ditto or Solstice)
  • Web Conferencing via Zoom 
  • Lecture Capture via Panopto 

Learning Environment Technology standards include the following technologies:   
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Article ID: 152127
Wed 6/7/23 2:27 PM
Mon 2/26/24 12:54 PM