Merit Based Compensation FAQ's for Staff

Merit Based Compensation (Staff)

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)


What employee status qualifies for staff merit?

Regular full-time and regular part-time staff employees.

What is the process for faculty merit awards?

There is a separate process facilitated by Dr. Utter for faculty merit awards.

What is the process for determining merit for staff employees?

After completion of 2017-2018 performance evaluations, all eligible non-exempt and exempt staff employees receiving a “highly effective” or “exceptional” rating will receive a 1 % merit increase. All eligible non-exempt and exempt staff employees receiving a “Proficient” rating will receive a .5% merit increase.

After merit increases are applied to base non-exempt and exempt staff salaries, Vice Presidents will be provided with the remaining available merit allocations (2% of the total salary budgets less the amounts awarded with the 1%, .5% merit increases and the minimum increases of $500 described below) to be awarded to non-exempt and exempt staff employees as additional discretionary merit pay based on performance. Discretionary merit pay amounts to vary by individual from 0-7%. Vice Presidents will be responsible for providing allocations to their department heads/unit leaders.

After merit increases are finalized, a review of eligible employees in full-time positions with base salaries less than $25,000 (prorated for employees in regular part-time positions) will be conducted to ensure these employees receive a minimum of $500.

Are the merit awards added to base salaries?

Yes. Any eligible merit awards will be added to the base salary in the form of a monthly merit award amount. The monthly merit award amount is determined by the total annual merit award divided by the number of pay periods the merit award recipient works annually (9, 10, 11 or 12).

Why are employees hired on January 1, 2018 or later ineligible for merit? Why are employees promoted or re-classified with a salary increase January 1, 2018 or later ineligible for merit?

All programs, even at other higher education institutions have necessary cutoff dates. Last year, one year prior to the effective date of the merit increase was used as the cutoff date. This year we expanded the performance evaluation period over an 18 month period to align with the academic calendar, therefore we have chosen 8 months prior to the effective date of the increase to benefit more employees.

What is the effective date of the increase and when will I see it on my paycheck?

The effective date of the merit increase for eligible employees is September 1, 2018 to be reflected on your October 1, 2018 paycheck.

What kind of discretion will the unit leaders be given when awarding discretionary merit?

In general, the discretion is designed to be flexible. However, unit leaders will be given directed guidance by their division Vice President or equivalent.

What if I want to appeal my performance evaluation or merit increase?

Performance evaluations may be appealed according to university policy. Merit increases are not subject to appeal. If, for some reason an employee believes there has been an error in calculating the merit award, she/he may contact the Office of Human Resources. As always, the Office of Human Resources reserves the right to review any action that violates relevant state and federal law.

What if I am in an interim position?

If you are currently in an interim role in addition to your current position and were hired prior to January 1, 2018, you are eligible for a merit increase based on your salary prior to your “interim” appointment.

If I was reclassified or promoted on or after January 1, 2018 am I eligible for a merit increase?

If you were reclassified or promoted with a salary increase on or after January 1, 2018, you would not be eligible for a merit increase this year. However, if the promotion or reclassification salary increase is lower than the merit increase you would have received, you will receive the greater of the merit increase or the promotion or reclassification salary increase, but not both. The final determination will be made after merit decisions are approved.

If I receive a reclassification or promotion September 1, 2018 or later am I eligible for this period’s merit increase?

University leadership has determined that merit increases will increase your base pay during your tenure in your current position. Should you move into a reclassified or promoted position September 1, 2018 or later, your compensation will be based on the new salary for that position. Merit increases effective September 1, 2018 will not be applied to newly reclassified or promoted positions.

What if I was a student assistant, graduate assistant, temporary employee or adjunct faculty member and transitioned into a staff position? Am I eligible for the merit increase?

If you were in a temporary, non-eligible position (temporary, student assistant, graduate assistant, adjunct faculty, etc.) and hired into a regular part-time or regular full-time staff position January 1, 2018 or later, you are not eligible for a merit increase. However, if you were hired into

a regular part-time or regular full-time staff position prior to January 1, 2018, you are eligible for a merit increase.

What If I terminate my position at TWU prior to the pay date of October 1, 2018?

Employees must be employed on the effective date of the merit increase, September 1, 2018, to be eligible for merit and must be employed on the date of the first paycheck, October 1, 2018, to receive the monthly merit increase amount.

Merit Based Compensation FAQ's for Staff

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Article ID: 62366
Sun 9/16/18 1:37 PM
Sat 4/27/19 12:05 PM