Job Descriptions by Alpha Title

Job descriptions will be in alphabetical order under files below on the right side. 


Refers to a staff employee primarily responsible for the performance of work requiring a bona fide occupational qualification, specialized training, or certification in a recognized Professional field of science or learning.


Refers to a staff employee whose duty consists of the director, associate, or assistant administrator of a recognized entity, is not more than three levels below the Chancellor and President or a Vice President excluding positions listed in the Clerical Allocation Plan, is responsible for participating in the administration of the department or entity and is responsible for the duties and responsibilities of the administrator or director in his/her absence.


An employee not included in any of the above definitions and will have a minimum and maximum base salary established in the compensation pay plan. 

Job Descriptions are in Alpha Title to the right: 


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Article ID: 34842
Tue 8/8/17 8:53 AM
Mon 9/9/24 11:18 AM