Modifying Project Files

Modifying Files for a Single Project

Project Managers and Resources can access specific project briefcases from the Projects/Workspaces application. To access and modify files for a single project, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to using a web browser.
  2. Type in AD username and password in the appropriate text fields.
  3. Click the blue Login button.
  4. Navigate to the Projects/Workspaces application.
  5. Select the project from the left sidebar, which contains the file needing to be edited.
  6. Click Briefcase from the drop-down menu that is displayed when the project is clicked.
  7. Click the folder which contains the file to be edited.
  8. Click the file which needs to be edited.
  9. The system displays a new window containing details on the file.
  10. Click the green Actions button near the top of the window.
  11. Click Check Out from the drop-down menu which displays when the Actions button is clicked.*
  12. Click the green Download button located next to the Actions button
  13. Make desired edits to the file.
  14. Save the file and close the application used to edit the file.
  15. Return to the window containing details on the file which has now been edited
  16. Click the green Actions button
  17. Click Check In from the drop-down menu which displays when the Actions button is clicked.*
  18. Click the white Browse button under the Select File to Attach heading.
  19. The system will display a new Windows Explorer window
  20. Locate the edited file and click on the file.
  21. Click the Open button near the bottom right corner of the window.
  22. Type a summary of the changes made in the text field under the Enter a File Description header.
  23. If necessary, select the names of the user/s from the drop-down menu under the heading Select Users to Notify or type their name and then click on the user who needs to be notified of the changes made to the file.
  24. Click the green Upload button near the top left hand side of the window.
  25. The system will display a confirmation message stating that the file has been uploaded and that any selected user/s have been notified.
  26. Click the red Close button near the top left hand side of the window.

Modifying Files for Multiple Projects

Project Managers and Resources can access files for all assigned projects from a single screen, using the Briefcase application. To access and modify files for multiple projects, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to using a web browser.
  2. Type in AD username and password in the appropriate text fields.
  3. Click the blue Login button.
  4. Navigate to the Briefcase application.
  5. Click the project folder in the left sidebar, which contains the file needing to be edited.
  6. Click the subfolder which contains the file to be edited.
  7. Complete above steps 8-26.

*The Check Out process ensures that multiple team members are not trying to edit the same file simultaneously.

For additional support, please contact the Technology Service Desk.

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Thu 11/3/16 10:13 AM
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