Approving a Project Request

Approving a Project Request


Log in to WebTMA

  1. Navigate to and enter the login credentials issued to you. 

*For the best experience, please use Internet Explorer, and make sure that the Pop-Ups are not blocked.

  1. Enter “TWU” for the Client.

Finding Pending Authorizations

  1. From the WebTMA home page, locate Transactions at the top left of the screen.
  2. In the dropdown menu, find and click on Pending Authorizations.
  3. The window lists different types of transactions, though Work Request will be the most common record.
    1. Under Project Request, there will be a list of any Requests requiring your approval.

Authorizing Records

  1. Click on the Request number on the menu to navigate to the Request record.
    1. Here you can review the details of the request.
  2. Click Authorize to approve the Request or Reject if the Request should not proceed to further work. Add any Routing Comments you may wish to include.
  3. Repeat for any other Requests or Projects needing your approval.

What happens next:

  1. Once the project request has been approved by the appropriate VP, the request will route to FMC for acceptance, approval, and assignment.  
  2. If a user would like to review the status of the request, search can be accomplished using the Project Request number on the service desk home page  



A status of "Accepted" in the request portal does not equate project approval by FMC, but rather that approvals have been provided and the request is now in the projects workflow for review and assignment.

FMC will notify the requester when projects are assigned.

For questions regarding the request form or process, assistance is available during Monday through Friday during working hours by contacting the project administrator, Dawn Byrd, at (940) 898-3592, or

Click here for information on TWU Organizational structure.

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Article ID: 131215
Mon 4/5/21 10:51 AM
Fri 2/10/23 7:32 PM