What are the technology-related steps for an exiting employee?

Asked by Heather Davis on Fri 6/24/16 3:15 PM Last edited Tue 12/13/16 10:23 AM
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Heather Davis Fri 6/24/16 3:26 PM Last edited Wed 5/18/22 9:13 AM

Access to TWU systems through the Portal credentials (username and password) will be terminated upon completion of the separation paperwork by Human Resources.

If immediate access deactivation is required, call the Technology Service Desk at 940-898-3971.

Managers should refer to the Human Resources Management Checklist for Faculty/Staff Separation: https://servicecenter.twu.edu/TDClient/Shared/FileOpen?AttachmentID={3B457201-D06B-49B6-825A-68B121F0EC67}&ItemID=31062&ItemComponent=26

There are some additional technology-related pieces to consider:

  • Did the employee have a voice mailbox?
  • Does the employee have a TWU-owned device, such as an iPad or laptop?
    • If so, that should be recovered from the employee before they leave. Passwords will need to be made available by the employee - especially in the case of iPads!
  • Did the employee generate any Google docs, slides, sheets, forms, etc.? Did they store files on their Google Drive that weren't shared with others in your department?
  • Did the employee have access to shared folders, data saved locally, or on a non-shared X-Drive folder?
    • If so, notify the Service Desk of those systems.

Supervisors would request access to former employee's data or to have former employee's email forwarded, if needed, through the Technology Service Desk.


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