What do you recommend for a work-from-home (remote work) set up?

Asked by Heather Davis on Mon 9/6/21 3:02 PM
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Heather Davis Mon 9/6/21 3:03 PM


For employees, IT Solutions recommends a webcam and headset for all remote workers. ITS supports and recommends HP products. For a stable internet connection remotely, be sure to procure an ethernet adapter to connect directly to your wired home network. Check out our other tips for Remote Work


Additional technology will depend upon the work requirements of the remote employee. A university laptop is the recommended device for co-located employees because this allows the employee to access the files and resources they need without relying upon Remote Desktop. Learn more about transitioning to a docked laptop in this Bridge training


If you're remote at least 25% of the time, you might want to replicate your desktop set up at home. This, however, depends on the type of work you're doing.

  • Maybe you need a dock at home, maybe you don't.
  • Maybe you need multiple monitors at home, maybe you don't.
  • You might wish to have an additional keyboard or mouse or a 10-key pad.
  • Perhaps you need a  printer at home. Note: You will have to use a USB-connected printer or disconnect from VPN to printer over WiFi.
  • If you are 100% remote and always-on-the-go, then a laptop with headset & microphone may be sufficient.


Quotes are required for laptops, computers, docks, and monitors. Peripherals (ethernet adapters, keyboards, mice, 10-key pads, ink, etc.) may be purchased without a quote following University procurement guidelines and procedures.

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