Why can't I embed an image in a Canvas discussion board post?

Asked by Heather Davis on Mon 11/2/20 9:29 AM
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Heather Davis Mon 11/2/20 9:31 AM

Discussion board attachments count towards a user's personal storage limit in Canvas. This limit is 52.4 MB per user. Depending on the size of the files, students may be running into an issue where they do not have enough personal storage space for the images. What we advise students to do is upload discussion board attachments to their TWU Google Drives, then provide a share link or embed the file/image into their discussion board post. All TWU users have unlimited storage in their Google Drives.

  1. To link or embed a file directly from their TWU Google Drive's, they can use the plug icon that it is in the Rich Content Editor. This is a few icons down from the one for uploading images.
  2. They will want to click it and go to "View All."
  3. There should be an option for Google Drive.
  4. The tool may request that students authorize its access.

If students run into issues getting Google Drive to authorize through Canvas, we advise they go directly to their TWU Google Drive and get a share link from there for the image. They can set it to share with anyone at TWU with the link, which should allow all students and instructors to view the image if they are logged into the TWU Google accounts.

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