What is a Proofpoint Digest and why do they get emailed to me?

Tags TWUemail TWUGmail
Asked by Heather Davis on Tue 7/26/16 6:44 PM Last edited Wed 11/9/16 10:00 AM
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Heather Davis Tue 7/26/16 6:46 PM Last edited Thu 12/6/18 12:56 PM

All TWU users receive a daily email from proofpoint-pps@twu.edu. Proofpoint is the University-provided spam blocking service.  The digest lists all of your "valid" emails from the day. Within the email, you have the option to label messages as “Report Spam." You can also "Manage My Account" to view "safe" and "blocked" senders. Questions about Proofpoint should be addressed to the Technology Service Desk. 

Access Proofpoint at https://mxmaster.twu.edu/euweb/login

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