What happens after I request a quote?

Asked by April Lyne on Tue 6/14/16 2:16 PM
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April Lyne Tue 6/14/16 2:17 PM Last edited Thu 8/25/22 10:01 AM

What happens after a hardware request is submitted?

Once a request has been received, the item(s) will be verified for compatibility with the minimum TWU computing standards. If everything looks compatible, then a request for quote will be sent to the relevant vendor(s). When the quote is returned, it will be sent back to the requestor through the ticket and the service request ticket will be closed. Then the requestor may submit a requisition or contact the vendor directly to order with a P-card, if the items are allowable (https://twu.edu/procurement/procurement-card-pcard-program/restricted-pcard-purchases/).

What happens after a software request is submitted?

For PC, Mac, or iPad software, in order for the University to be compliant with State and Federal ADA regulations, a VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) or a VPAT Exception form must be on file for all software purchased by the University (TWU Policy 9.19). If there is no record for the software package, either a VPAT or VPAT Exception form must be filed by IT Solutions before proceeding with the quote acquisition. All software applications with a VPAT or a VPAT Exception forms currently on file are selectable when creating a ticket. If the software is not listed, enter it into the text box labeled “If not listed please, enter it here” when creating the ticket.

PC or Mac

Once there is a VPAT or a VPAT exception form on file, a request for a quote will be sent to vendor(s). When the quote is returned, it will be sent to the requestor and the service request ticket will be closed. The requestor may then submit a requisition or contact the vendor directly to order with a P-card, if the items are allowable (Procurement Restricted Items).


When the quote is returned, it will be sent it to the requestor through the service ticket. Upon response from the requestor with the account to IDT,  software will be purchased from the App Store and the requestor will receive the redemption code(s). Redemption codes are distributed to employees, and then the service request ticket will be closed. At that time the requestor may distribute the code(s) to faculty and/or staff. For instructions on how to redeem these apps on your iPad, please refer to page 13 on the iPad: Quick Reference Guide.

*All iPads purchased by the University are given a single set of applications for faculty or staff to redeem and will include the following: iAnnotate PDF, Numbers, Pages, Keynote, iMovie, Upad. Please note that this is per iPad ordered and not per faculty or staff member that may use the iPad.

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