How do I reset my TWU Portal (email) password?
Asked by Heather Davis
on Wed 3/16/16 2:03 PM
Last edited Tue 11/8/16 5:02 PM
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Heather Davis
Wed 3/16/16 2:05 PM
Last edited Tue 4/26/22 5:39 PM
You may reset your own password using the Password Reset Tool or by clicking "Forgot your password?" on the Pioneer Portal login page.
- You cannot reuse even 2 characters in a row from a previous password
- Each attempted password, even if not successful, counts as a previous password
- You will need to know your 9-digit TWU ID number that starts with a 9 (it appears on your ID card or you may find it by logging into Portal before you change your password)
- You will need to know the answer to your security question and it is case-sensitive (you may find this answer by logging into Portal before you change your password)
The Service Desk cannot reset passwords over email or chat. For security reasons, password reset requests require a PHONE CALL to the Service Desk during business hours at 940-898-3971.
- Please do NOT include your social security number or your password in tickets, emails or chats.
- Please do include your TWU username and/or your TWU ID number in the e-mail.
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