Captioning and Transcripts on YouTube


To meet the needs of all students, instructors should add closed captioning to videos. YouTube has tools to help.


Captions are a way to make content accessible for viewers. YouTube can use speech recognition technology to automatically create captions for your videos. These automatic captions are generated by machine learning algorithms, so the quality of the captions may vary. Learn more about automatic captions.

It is also possible to create your own captions and/or to use a transcript file for more accurate captions.

To force the captions to appear when the video plays, add the tag "yt:cc=on"

To meet ADA requirements, captions must be viewed by the human eye after creation to confirm accuracy. This also helps one avoid accidental mistakes in the captions.

When embedding video from Youtube, edit the embed code to force captions to play.

We do our best to link to only the best external sites but we cannot be held responsible for the quality or accuracy of such websites.

For additional support, contact the Technology Service Desk at,, or submit a request through the Technology Service Catalog.



Article ID: 41827
Thu 11/2/17 12:05 PM
Mon 8/15/22 2:34 PM

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