Pioneer Portal: Navigating the New Modern Skin


Pioneer Portal works best with the Modern theme. Change the Portal theme by accessing My Settings > Customize My Portal and clicking modern.

This theme is arranged a little differently from the default Portal theme.

Screen shot of marooned skin

In classic Portal, Announcements appeared below the user information and the Menu appeared on the left side of the screen. Important Links appeared to the right of Announcements. Quick Links are spaced across the top of the screen.

In Modern Portal, the Menu is horizontal, rather than vertical. Announcements appear next to the user information with Important Links below. Quick Links appear at the top of the screen, clustered on the left.

Screenshot of Modern start page in Pioneer Portal - text description precedes

The Modern skin will adjust for mobile devices, moving blocks of information to fit the screen.

For additional support, contact the Technology Service Desk at,, or submit a request through the Technology Service Catalog.



Article ID: 35869
Thu 8/24/17 2:55 PM
Thu 7/16/20 10:18 AM