Political Campaigns and Voter Registration

TWU encourages full participation of its entire student body, staff and faculty as voters in all local, state, and national elections. Candidates for public office or their representatives may campaign on TWU campuses in public areas at reasonable times. Likewise, deputy voter registrars may register students, staff, and faculty of the University on the campus in public areas at reasonable times pursuant to authority conferred by State law. Non-public areas are the libraries, dining halls, residence halls, classroom buildings, and other areas where residential and educational or instructional activities of the University are regularly conducted.

Political candidates, their representatives and/or voter registrars shall conduct their activities on the campus in a manner consistent with State law and must not block or substantially impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic or create disturbances which disrupt the educational activities and purposes of the University. State (TWU) facilities (including internal mail facilities and personnel) are not to be used for political purposes.

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Article ID: 24768
Mon 2/13/17 8:14 AM
Mon 8/15/22 3:43 PM