J. Applicant Selection Matrix

Faculty Applicant Selection Matrix 

The Faculty Applicant Selection Matrix is a necessary tool to ensure a fair, equitable, and standardized method of selection and hiring criteria.  It also complies with requirements under federal and state equal employment opportunity laws and regulations.   

The form is to be completed by the Search Committee Chair or the Associate Dean, and forward to the Dean for approval (follow the steps in the Faculty Search and Appoint Checklist).  All candidates that are to be interviewed for the position should be listed on the Matrix.  The search committee or hiring department should complete all required criteria: Education Qualification, Experience Qualification, Achievements in Accreditations, Academic Competency Achievements, Professional and Other Achievements and Overall Assessment.  The hiring department can include more specific and/or additional selection and hiring criteria in the remaining four (4) blank columns. 

The search committee or hiring department selection criteria and proposed interview questions must be submitted for approval to Office of Human Resources prior to the interviewing of applicants.   

The selection matrix scores are measured on a scale of one (1) to ten (10).  One (1) being the lowest and ten (10) being the highest.  The total point value assigned to the matrix criteria should equal 100 points. The weight of each criteria may be changed to reflect the importance of that column (i.e., one item may rate a maximum of 15 points and another may be less important and rate 5 points maximum).  The minimum overall score a candidate can receive in order to be considered is seventy (70). 

Assessment Criteria:

Education Qualification: Number of graduate hours in the teaching discipline.

Experience Qualification: Contribution to teaching in the discipline (number of years, courses taught). 

Achievements in Credentials: Publications, licenses, and certificates in teaching discipline.

Academic Competency Achievements: Technical performance and accomplishments in direct teaching discipline.

Professional & Other Competency Achievements: Professional and other accomplishments in related teaching disciplines.

Four (4) Blank Criteria: For the reminding four (4) criteria, please select performance and job related specifics to the actual position.

Overall Assessment: This score indicates the quality of the interview such as overall communication skills, both orally and written and the quality of employment references attained regarding the candidate.

Staff Applicant Selection Matrix 

This Staff Applicant Selection Matrix is a necessary tool to ensure a fair, equitable, and standardized method of selection and hiring criteria.  It also complies with requirements under federal and state equal employment opportunity laws and regulations. 

The form is to be completed by the hiring department. All candidates that are to be interviewed for the position should be listed on the Matrix.  The hiring department or search committee should complete all of the required criteria related to the qualification/application process and the following categories: Communication Skills Score, Reference Score, and the Overall Assessment Score.  The hiring department should include more specific and/or additional selection and hiring criteria in the remaining four (4) blank columns.

The selection matrix scores are measured on a scale of one (1) to ten (10).  One (1) being the lowest and ten (10) being the highest.  The total point value assigned for all criteria should equal 100 points. The weight of each criteria may be changed to reflect the importance of that column (i.e., one item may rate a maximum of 15 points and another may be less important and rate 5 points maximum).  The minimum overall score a candidate can receive in order to be considered is seventy (70). 

Assessment Criteria:

Applying Process:  This score evaluates applicant’s ability to follow direction when submitting their resume/application.  For example: was the information provided on the resume/ application comprehensive/ useful; were all of the forms filled out completely?  To be completed by the Hiring Manager.

Education Qualification:  This score represents if applicant meets minimum education requirements as stipulated by job description.  To be completed by the Hiring Manager.

Experience Qualification:  This score represents if applicant meets minimum experience requirements as stipulated by job description.  To be completed by the Hiring Manager.

Communication Skills:  This score represents the applicants ability to communicate both orally and written; where applicable, with interviewer and articulate their work experiences and job skills.  To be completed by hiring department. 

Five (5) Blank Criteria:  For the remaining five (5) criteria, please select performance and job related specifics to the actual position.

 Overall Assessment:  This score indicates the quality of the interview (Non-Communication Skills) as well as hiring departments overall opinion of  applicant.  To be completed by hiring department 


Article ID: 34044
Mon 7/24/17 12:56 PM
Tue 7/12/22 2:57 PM