Bursar's Office - Updating DropDown Values in SharePoint Forms


This is written specifically for the Bursar's Office

  1. Navigate to Workflow.twu.edu
  2. In the top right corner, click the cog Site Contents
  3. Scroll down to Subsites and click Bursar's Office (Or the subsite that you are trying to reach)
  4. Within the Bursar's Office subsite, click Book Advance Request
  5. Click the LIST tab, then List Settings
  6. Scroll down to the Columns section, click Term (Or Click this link: https://workflow.twu.edu/BursarsOffice/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/_layouts/15/FldEdit.aspx?List=%7BCA43BD47%2DE31E%2D4683%2DAAB7%2DF998A5FB56A3%7D&Field=Term)
  7. Scroll down to the Type each choice on a separate line: option
  8. Delete or Add any value that you want removed or added to the list
    1. Any value that exists in this list will exist as an option in the form drop down
  9. Once Complete, click OK
  10. At this link: https://workflow.twu.edu/BursarsOffice/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/Lists/Book%20Advance%20Request/AllItems.aspxclick New Item to see your changes reflected.

Task Complete



Article ID: 77114
Tue 4/30/19 2:34 PM
Thu 7/16/20 10:13 AM