College Administration


Email Reminder Manager

This allows automation of email reminders to your faculty to update their content in Sedona.

  1. Under Managers, select Email Reminder Manager.
  2. Enter the email address which will appear in the FROM field of the email.
  3. Select the Day you want the email to send.
  4. Select the Scope (All Chairs, All Members, SEDONA web master, Dept Contacts, Individual). If you select Individual, you will need to type or paste in email addresses. If more than one individual, separate the email addresses with commas.
  5. Next, add the Reminder message to update SEDONA. This will be the actual text of the email. You might want to type up the text in Word or another text editor and then copy and paste into this field as the field view is very short in Sedona.
  6. Finally, Save and exit.

For additional support, please call 940-898-3308 or contact, or submit a request through the Sedona Ticketing System



Article ID: 40687
Thu 10/12/17 12:37 PM
Tue 12/3/24 4:18 PM

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