Reporting Criminal Incidents and Emergencies


Obligation to Report
University employees who become aware of a discriminatory or criminal offense should immediately report it to TWU police or to TWU Office of Student Life. Specifically, faculty and staff should report any instances of gender discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct by another faculty or staff member to the Title IX Coordinator or to the TWU Department of Public Safety. If a university employee becomes aware of a student instance of sexual misconduct, he or she shall immediately report this complaint to the Title IX Coordinator or to TWU Department of Public Safety.

Incidents which occur on university property, including crimes, health emergencies, fires, or other similar occurrences should be reported to the Department of Public Safety. Students may report sex offenses to local law enforcement authorities, including on-campus and local police. Campus authorities in the Counseling Center, Housing staff, and Vice President for Student Life are available to assist in such reporting, upon the student’s request. Prompt reporting ensures that the evidence is not destroyed and increases the probability of suspect apprehension.

Incidents may be reported in person at any Department of Public Safety office, by telephone, or by emergency (red) telephones. To provide easy access for the campus community, emergency (red) telephones, with direct access to the University Department of Public Safety, are located in most campus buildings and several outdoor areas. Emergency telephones in residence halls ring to the front desk of the respective residence hall.

All reported incidents will be investigated and, as appropriate, referred to the criminal courts for prosecution, Director of Human Resources and/or to the Executive Director of Civility and Community Standards for University Conduct Review. Victim counseling and mental health services are available through the University’s Counseling Center as well as other non-university agencies. A list of community resources for victims of sexual assault is available in the Counseling Center. The University takes prompt and effective response to all reports of a sexual misconduct nature and takes immediate action to investigate, stop the behavior, provide remedial support for the victim and take action to prevent the recurrence.

Various programs are presented each semester in the areas of crime prevention, sexual harassment, and personal safety. These programs are sponsored by the Student Government Association, Campus Activities Board, University Housing and Residence Life, the Residence Hall Association, Student Health Services, Counseling Center, Student Life and the Department of Public Safety.



Article ID: 24776
Mon 2/13/17 9:36 AM
Mon 8/15/22 4:43 PM