Visitation and Guest Policies


The responsibility of these policies rests upon the individual, who must maintain her or his conduct in a manner which takes into consideration roommate(s) or other concerned parties and acts in accordance with all University and residence hall policies. Violations of these responsibilities will be subject to student conduct action, which includes the removal of the privilege to participate in visitation or to host visitors; repeated violations may be grounds for removing the individual or individuals from that living area.



  • Resident is defined as an individual who has a current University Housing signed contract for a residence hall or apartment.
  • Visitor is defined as any non-student, or student not living in that residence hall/building who visits a TWU student in their residence hall room, apartment, or assigned building.
  • Overnight Visitor is defined as any individual (student or non-student) not living in on-campus housing  who stays overnight in a TWU residence hall or apartment at the invitation of one of the assigned room/apartment residents and with permission of the roommate(s) within the established University Housing visitation policy.
  • Host is defined as any resident in any TWU residence hall or apartment who invites an individual (resident or non-resident) into their residence hall or apartment building or assigned residence hall room or apartment for any length of time.
  • Cohabitation is defined as hosting any individual in a TWU residence hall room or apartment who is not assigned to that specific space for a period of time exceeding two consecutive days/nights in a given week.  Cohabitation in the residence halls or apartments is a violation of the contract between the Department of University Housing and the resident.


Visitation Policy

The Visitation Policy provides assigned residents with the opportunity to host visitors in their residence hall rooms or apartments.

  • A maximum of one visitor per resident can be checked in at any time. No more than six (6) people can be in a room at any time, including assigned residents. Visitors must be escorted at all times by their hosts. An exemption of more than 6 guests may be made for family members at the discretion of the residence hall staff.
  • Twenty four (24) hour visitation for Guinn, Lowry Woods, Stark, and Parliament Village residents.


Guest Policy

The Guest Policy provides assigned residents with the opportunity to host visitors in their residence hall rooms or apartments for forty eight (48) hours within a given week. 


  • Residents may host a visitor overnight in their TWU residence hall room or apartment with permission of the roommate(s).
  • Visitors may not stay more than 48 hours unless the host has been granted permission by their respective Resident Director.
  • Cohabitation in the residence halls is a violation of the contract between the Department of University Housing and the resident. Cohabitation is defined as hosting any visitor (resident or non-resident) exceeding 48 hours within a given week without permission from the Resident Director.


Responsibilities of the Host:

  • The resident host must meet their visitor at the front door of the residence hall.  If a visitor has entered the building without their host they are to wait in the lobby.
  • All visitors must be registered at the residence hall desk in accordance with the procedures of that building. A resident of the building must sign in the visitor at the front desk and then accompany the visitor while in the building. Proper identification (Government issued or College/University ID) must be presented by the visitor when registering at the front desk. Temporary paper IDs are not accepted unless supplemented with an additional photo ID card.
    • A visitor must be accompanied by their host at all times and in all areas of residence hall, including in the room of the host.
    • The host must check visitor in and out at the front desk each time they leave or re-enter the residence hall building. Visitor should not be left in the resident host's room while the host is not present.
    • Proper concern for the rights of roommates as provided for in the Resident's Rights and Responsibilities must be honored. [See Section IX. Student Conduct Review Process]
    • Visitors must comply with all Residence Hall and University regulations, which include residence hall quiet hours.
    • Each resident host is responsible for the actions and behavior of their visitor(s) and could be subject to student conduct action. [See Section 2, a and b]. 


Special Considerations:

  • A visitor is not only being sponsored by the host but is also being sponsored through the courtesy of the roommate of the host, when applicable, and other residents of that floor or wing. Visitors should recognize this courtesy and respect the rights of residents.


Personal Safety:

Residents should be aware that uninvited visitors to the floor, building or apartment complex jeopardize the security of all residents.  Residents are encouraged to immediately notify a residence hall staff member or, if circumstances warrant, University police.



Article ID: 24724
Fri 2/10/17 5:28 PM
Mon 8/24/20 9:40 AM