Severe Weather Procedure


Tornadoes and severe weather can occur any time during the year but are more prevalent during the spring months. The approach of severe weather may be announced by Pioneer Alert, Outdoor Warning Sirens, radio and television bulletins, or a weather radio. A TORNADO WATCH means tornado conditions exist in the area, and there is a possibility that one may develop. A TORNADO WARNING means a tornado or funnel cloud has been sighted in the area and individuals on campus should seek shelter. During a TORNADO WARNING, normal TWU operations, including activities, classes, and other special events are suspended until the weather hazard has passed.

In case of an approaching tornado or severe storm requiring shelter, individuals should observe the following procedures:

1.    Move to an enclosed windowless area in the center of the building (away from glass)

2.    Stay away from windows, doors, and large open spaces.

3.    If outdoors, move indoors quickly. When that is not possible, lie flat and face down on low ground. A vehicle is not a safe option for sheltering.

4.    If available, listen to a weather radio for weather alerts. Never pull the fire alarm for notification of a tornado or severe weather alerts.

5.  Stay sheltered until an all-clear is issued via Pioneer Alert.  

Other types of severe weather to be aware of include severe thunderstorms which can produce heavy rains, high winds, hail, and severe lightning.

For additional information about emergency preparedness, procedures, and severe weather areas, visit Emergency Management: You are encouraged to review severe weather areas in buildings you frequent by visiting:



Article ID: 24643
Fri 2/10/17 10:33 AM
Thu 8/1/19 11:59 AM