Statement of Community Respect


Texas Woman’s University is a community of scholars in which the ideals of freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom of expression and freedom of the individual are sustained. TWU is committed to preserving the exercise of any right guaranteed to individuals by the United States Constitution. The exercise and preservation of these freedoms and rights require a respect for the rights of all people in the community to enjoy them to the same extent. In a community of learning, willful disruption of the educational process, destruction of property, and interference with the orderly process of the University or with the rights of other members of the University will not be tolerated.

TWU is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to all students and to fostering an educational environment free from intimidation and harassment. While upholding the principles of free intellectual inquiry and freedom of expression, the University condemns any form of intimidation or harassment, including intimidation or harassment which arises from race, age, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin or veteran’s status.

The pursuit of community respect requires tolerance of intellectual positions and the expression of ideas that are different from, and contrary to, one’s own beliefs and values. The TWU community expects that the expression of these ideas will be exercised in ways that are consistent with norms of civility toward all people and that demonstrate respect for everyone that comprise the University community.



Article ID: 24403
Tue 2/7/17 2:58 PM
Fri 5/3/24 11:52 AM