University Regulations and Procedures Related to Academic Affairs and Records


All current University Policies and University Regulations and Procedures (URPs) may be found at: Policies and URPs that appear in this Handbook may be updated. You should always refer to the TWU website for the most current versions.

The following summaries of URPs are included in the Student Handbook so you are aware they exist. Refer to the online version for the current and complete version.

Academic/Administrative Complaints and Appeals
Texas Woman’s University is committed to the fair treatment of all students who have academic/administrative complaints and appeals. The University has traditionally guaranteed students every opportunity for a fair, prompt, and thorough review of complaints and appeals. The specific review procedures for each type of complaint or appeal are outlined on the Academic Affairs website:

A complaint is a dispute concerning some aspect of the student's academic status arising from an administrative or faculty decision that the student regards as incorrect or unjust. An appeal is a request to a person or authority for a decision to resolve a complaint.

Complaints or appeals at each level must be made in writing no later than ten class days after the date of the decision at the previous level unless otherwise stipulated in state or federal law. The ten days for appeals at each level do not include weekends, holidays, or days between academic sessions. The faculty member or administrator receiving the complaint or appeal will respond within ten class days not including weekends, holidays, or days between academic sessions. Review and decision may require a longer period of time.

It is the intention of the University to provide students who have complaints and appeals with adequate internal review and to begin resolving them promptly at the level at which the complaint or appeal originated. You should follow University procedures and deadlines to advance a complaint or appeal as needed. The University expects you to initiate complaint or appeal procedures with the appropriate individual or office and follow University procedures to completion before seeking external consideration. Procedures designate the office which makes the final decision on each type of academic complaint or appeal.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
(Refer to for complete URP)

Texas Woman’s University obtains the written consent of a student before disclosing personally identifiable information from that student’s education records other than directory information and information requested for official use. This URP complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment, which applies to all educational institutions and educational agencies that receive funds under any program administered by the U.S. Secretary of Education. The law provides three fundamental rights to students who attend post-secondary institutions:

  • The right to inspect and review education records.
  • The right to request to amend education records.
  • The right to limit disclosure of “personally identifiable information” contained in education records.

Educational Records are those records, files, documents, and other materials:

  1. Directly related to a student; and
  2. Maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution.

Education records are any record maintained by TWU in any way, including, but not limited to: handwriting, computer media, print, video or audio tape, film, microfilm and Microfiche, and email.

Directory Information means information contained in the education record of a student that would generally not be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. At TWU, Directory Information includes the student’s name; local and permanent address, TWU email address; phone number(s); month, day, and place of birth; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; dates of attendance; enrollment status (undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time, etc.); classification; degrees, awards, and honors received (including selection criteria); expected graduation date; dissertation and thesis titles; most previously school(s) attended; and photograph.

Directory information will not be disclosed if the student so notifies the Registrar’s office at the address indicated below in writing prior to the census date of the term.

Individuals who may obtain information other than directory information without written consent from the student may include:

  1. Other TWU officials with a legitimate educational purpose;
  2. Officials of other schools where the student seeks to enroll;
  3. Certain representatives of the federal government;
  4. State educational authorities;
  5. In connection with financial aid for which a student has applied;
  6. Organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of educational institutions or agencies for testing purposes, student aid programs, and instructional improvement;
  7. Accrediting organizations;
  8. Those responsible for ensuring compliance with a judicial order;
  9. Appropriate parties in a health and/or safety emergency;
  10. Parents of a dependent student as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

Limitations on the Right to Review Education Records
Educational records to which students may have access do not include the following:

  • Financial records and statements of their parents or any information contained therein, without parents’ authorization.
  • Records which are “created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional” acting in a professional capacity which are created or used only in connection with the provision of treatment for the student and which are held in strict confidence, provided they may be personally reviewed by a physician or other appropriate professional of the student’s choice;
  • Working records which are the sole possessions of instructional, supervisory, administrative, and educational personnel provided they are “not accessible or revealed to any other person except a substitute;”
  • Confidential letters and/or statements written prior to January 1, 1975, and those written with a documented understanding of confidentiality.

Request to Amend Education Records
A student who believes that information contained in education records is inaccurate or misleading may request that the record(s) be amended. The student should first meet with the administrative or faculty official responsible for the record the difference, the matter should be reviewed by the appropriate dean. If the differences remain unresolved, the student should submit a written request for a hearing to the appropriate Vice President. The student will be informed well in advance of the date, place, and time of the hearing. Opportunity will be afforded the student to present evidence related to the issue in question. A decision in writing will be provided to the student within a reasonable period of time after the conclusion of the hearing.

A request to amend a grade, or a hearing to contest the assignment of a grade, is not allowed under this procedure. However, a student may contest whether or not the grade was recorded accurately.



Article ID: 24388
Tue 2/7/17 2:10 PM
Mon 8/15/22 4:33 PM