Withdrawal from the University


Office of Student Life

Any student who finds it necessary to withdraw from all semester credit hour classes must formally withdraw through the Office of Student Life on the Denton campus. Students enrolled in classes at Dallas or Houston who have questions about the withdrawal process may wish to consult with the Assistant Director of Student Life on their campus before withdrawing. Graduate students are strongly encouraged to discuss any plans to withdraw with their academic department prior to withdrawing to make certain that they understand the academic implications.  Because withdrawing may also have significant implications for student financial aid and awards, contracts with University Housing and Dining, as well as international student visas, students are also encouraged to contact these offices as appropriate before finalizing any withdrawal plan. The effective date of withdrawal is the day upon which the completed online Request for Withdrawal Form is received from the student and approved by the Student Life Office. Withdrawal requests must be submitted by the withdrawal deadline for the term in which the student seeks to withdraw, as posted in the term’s academic calendar. Please visit the Bursar's website for specific refund dates. For forms and additional information about withdrawing from the University, please visit the Student Life Withdrawal Information website.  A student who withdraws on or before the census date of a term will have no record of coursework on her or his transcript. A student who withdraws after the census date of a term will receive a grade of W.


Petitions for Late Withdrawal and Late Drops

A student may petition for a late drop or late withdrawal when an incapacitating circumstance impedes their ability to drop or withdraw by the term deadline and to complete some or all courses in the term. Incapacitating circumstances may include a serious physical or mental health condition or extenuating life circumstance, such as the serious illness or death of a family member, which would reasonably impede the a student’s academic functioning. To be considered, petitions must be accompanied by official third party documentation of the circumstance. Approved petitions result in “W” grades for the indicated courses or semester but do not result in any refund. Given this, students are encouraged to explore other options, such as incomplete grades, before petitioning for a late drop or withdrawal.

The primary purpose of these petitions is to offer a pathway to drop or withdraw for students who have experienced an incapacitating circumstance which would have reasonably prevented them from dropping/withdrawing by the term deadline or which occurred after the term deadline. This policy is not intended to be used as a mechanism to avoid failing grades or the removal from an academic program due to unsatisfactory performance. Withdrawals approved under this policy will be effective the date the completed petition was submitted to Student Life. Because they will not be backdated to an earlier date in the term and do not result in any special designation on the transcript, late petitions will only be considered after the last date in the term to drop or withdraw, which is outlined in the academic calendar. Information about how to submit a late drop or late withdrawal petition may be found at the Student Life Withdrawal Information website.  Questions about the withdrawal process may be directed to the Office of Student Life.


Petition for Retroactive Withdrawals

Students are expected to withdraw during the semester in which they are enrolled.  When the semester is over, the record on that semester is closed. However, a student who has experienced an incapacitating health condition, injury, or extraordinary extenuating circumstance that would have reasonably prevented them from withdrawing or petitioning for late withdrawal during the term in which they were enrolled may petition for a retroactive withdrawal up to two semesters beyond the term from which they are seeking to withdraw. Retroactive course drops will not be considered.  Retroactive Withdrawal Petitions should be submitted to the Office of Student Life no later than 5 p.m. on the last day of class up to two semesters beyond the term from which they are seeking to withdraw. Summer is counted as one term. 


Withdrawal Refund Policy

Students who withdraw from the University may be eligible to receive a refund of a percentage of paid tuition as defined by Texas Education Code 54.5006 for any term enrolled. The percentage varies according to the student’s effective withdrawal date. Refund policies are established by, and are subject to change by, the Legislature of the State of Texas and are applicable to complete withdrawals. To review the specific dates associated with the below-referenced withdrawal date refund percentages, see the Academic Calendar for term details.

The chart below outlines the refund schedule of applicable tuition and fees when a student withdraws from the term (dis-enrolling from all courses such that they will have 0 credit hours). Students who are dropping courses (dis-enrolling from one or more but not all not all courses) should refer to the Academic Calendar for the term for information about the last date to drop and receive a refund for the amount of the course.  See the Texas Education Code 54.5006 for the complete withdrawal refund schedule for all terms.

Official Withdrawal Date

Percentage Refund

Up to the close of the regular registration period for the term


During the first five class days


During the second five class days


During the third five class days


During the fourth five class days


After the fourth five class days


A student who elects to pay their tuition on the installment plan and then withdraws from the University may still owe a portion of the tuition and fees. Likewise, a student who defers their tuition to financial aid and withdraws before the aid disburses may be responsible for a portion of the tuition. A student who withdraws after receiving a financial aid refund may be required to return all or a portion of the refund to the university as a result of federal and state regulations with regards to financial aid awards. A hold will be placed on the student's record until all financial obligations are met. Students receiving financial aid should contact the Office of Financial Aid prior to withdrawing or dropping courses to see if aid will be adjusted.


Withdrawals due to Call to Active Military Duty

A student called to active Military Duty will not be penalized for withdrawing from Texas Woman's University. See Academic Policies related to Active Military Status at Veterans & Military Resources - Texas Woman’s University (twu.edu) for more details.


Academic Records: Adding/Dropping a Course
Students should refer to the Academic Calendar for specific dates and deadlines for schedule changes. There is a $10 fee for dropping or adding a course after classes begin. For more information, please visit www.twu.edu/registrar/.

Courses dropped prior to census day for the term will not appear on the student’s transcript. After census day for the term, dropped courses will receive a grade of “W” or “W&” on the transcript. The grade of “W&” indicates an unexcused drop which counts toward an undergraduates 6-drop limit. Drops will not be processed after the published deadline for the term. To drop all classes in a term (withdraw from the term), follow the guidelines above for withdrawal or contact the Office of Student Life.


Official transcripts may be ordered from the Registrar’s Office online, by mail or in person. Completed requests with no holds will typically be processed within 2-4 business days, except during peak times at the start and end of the semester. All holds must be clear and past due balances paid before an official transcript can be released. For more detailed information, please visit transcript requests.



Article ID: 24384
Tue 2/7/17 1:58 PM
Fri 3/17/23 4:39 PM