How to Promote an Oracle BIP Report



After the developers have made changes to a BIP report, the report must be migrated to Production from the lower environment.  The lower environment could be DEV1, DEV2, or TEST and this should be include in the migration ticket information. These are the steps to migrate a report to production.


Step-By-Step Instructions

Catalog Files:

Both the data model and the report must be migrated, for example:

  • TWU Deduction Register Report DM
  • TWU Deduction Register Report


Step 1: First, archive the data model/report to local system from the Dev1 (or wherever the source) environment to your local machine

Example Data Model Archive

  • Archive the data model from below mentioned path to the local system.
  • /shared/Custom/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Data Models



Example Report Archive

  • Archive the report from below mentioned path to the local system.
  • /shared/Custom/Human Capital Management/Benefits


Step 2: Now Unarchive the data models & reports in same path in PROD environment from local system.

  1. Navigate to the Production BIP Report Catalog
  2. Navigate to the folder for the data model
  3. With the folder selected in the left tree view, click the "Unarchive" link in the "Tasks" (lower left) panel
  4. In the "Unarchive" dialog box, click the "Browse" button and select the data model that was archived to your local machine
  5. Click "OK"
  6. In the folders pane, change from the Data Model folder, and repeat steps 3-5 for the Report that was archived



           6. Edit the report and map the unarchived data model to the report.

(TODO: add detailed steps and screen shots here)



Article ID: 163484
Wed 12/18/24 10:10 AM
Wed 12/18/24 2:37 PM