Adjunct Faculty On Boarding
We need to import a skeletal Colleague record for adjunct faculty so that they can setup their courses early ( 45 days early or more ). This document details the steps that must be taken once the data input file has been created and placed into the proper input directory. For now this directory is
X:\My Shared Folders\Developers\EBS\PROD\intshare_prod\faculty_access\facultyaccessdrop
The filename is
This file is a fixed length data file with the following column headers
SSN ( 14 numeric characters )
TWUID ( 12 numeric characters )
LAST_NAME ( 59 characters )
FIRST_NAME ( 32 characters )
MIDDLE_NAME ( 32 characters )
DATE_OF_BIRTH ( 23 characters FMT XX/XX/XXXX )
DEPARTMENT ( 50 characters ) * now this is the department ID from Oracle
Any individuals who will be responsible for running this process will need access to the following Colleague Screens:
They will also need access to view files in the X directory mentioned above.
They will also need access to the SQL reports folder for Faculty Performance. The two reports that are needed for this process are:
Adjunct Faculty Added
Adjunct Faculty Not in Faculty File
This first section shows how to finish the automated process that currently runs STII after 10:00AM and 7:00PM. Since the average workday is 8:00AM to 5:00PM, these steps could be taken in the morning before 9:00AM to work with the file created the night before and then any time after 10:05AM to work with the file created after 10:00 AM.
Input Process Steps taken after the automated STII has completed:
- Log into Colleague and bring up the ITCI screen. You will have to enter the application ( CORE ) at the next prompt and click OK.
Then a prompt will pop up for you to enter a Batch Control ID.The Batch Control ID to look up from the automated STII is XOB.FACULTY.IMPORT
If you are completing the processing for a ‘by hand’ batch, enter the
Batch Control ID that you created in STII ( such as XOB.04232024A ).
You will be prompted to click add to add the batch.
Once in the ITCI screen, enter ‘No’ for the Update Mode and ‘D’ for the Detailed Report. Be sure to check that the Duplicate Criteria for the ‘INTER.BIODEMO’ is XIBIO.PERSON. This is needed to properly process any possible duplicates. Those records show up with errors or ‘ambiguities’ and must be addressed individually.
Click Save and Update 3 times to process this batch. A report will display to show if the records are to be merged ( already in Colleague ), have an error and need to be checked as a possible duplicate or are completely new records that will be created.
If ‘Error’ shows up in the Status column and ‘Pos’ shows up in the category column, that record may be a duplicate and needs to be resolved. Save out of the report.
If (New) shows up in the Actual column and there are no ambiguities or errors, a new record is ready to be added. The report may look like this:
- To resolve any ambiguities or possible duplicates, pull up EFDR and enter the batch ID XOB.FACULTY.IMPORT ( or XOB.04232024A). The screen may look like this:
Detail on each record to view the possible duplicate. The detail screen may look like this:
Review the columns and determine if the records are really duplicates. If they are, enter a ‘Y’ in the combine field and click Save. Continue to review all of the possible duplicates, entering ‘Y’ or ‘N’ and Save. When they are all complete you will be placed back in the original screen with the ‘Y’ or ‘N’ on display under the Dup column. Then click Save.
- Then you will be ready to bring in any new records or merge any duplicate records found. To do that, bring up ITCI a second time. The batch ID will be XOB.FACULTY.IMPORT ( or XOB.04232024A) This time you will enter ‘Yes’ for the Update Mode and ‘D’ for Report Detail.
Then Save out of the screen. The report may look like this:
If any New records were added, the report may look like this:
The ID that is displayed next to the (New) is the Colleague ID for the new Adjunct Faculty member. See below on instruction for ceating the faculty IDS.
By Hand Steps
The complete by hand procedure may be run from Colleague on any file that was not processed by performing a couple of steps before the ‘automated steps’ detailed above.
By Hand Input Process Steps:
- Define the filename in Colleague by going into ELFT and typing XON.BOARD at the Electronic Transfer File Lookup
Type in the correct filename in the OS File Name field. If a previous file was not processed for some reason, you will need to look up the filename in the directory mentioned above. Once you verify that the file does include adjunct faculty to be processed, that filename may be entered. An example may look like this…
Click Save and Update.
- Continue the adjunct faculty entry process by pulling up STII. A prompt will display asking for the ELF Spec Lookup.
Enter XOB and click Ok and the STII screen will display.
If you are processing a batch by hand, you will need to make up a batch ID. A good standard is XOB.04232024A ( Import name and date and maybe a letter A or B ). Enter the Batch Control ID that you just made up. Enter ‘Y’ in the Update Mode field. Click Save and Update.
The next screen allows options for the printer. To view on the screen just keep it at H for Hold/Browse. Then click save and update.
The last screen allows to run in background mode. Leave it at ‘No’ and click Save and Update.
If there are any errors, the report browser will display them. An Error report might look like this.
If there are no errors and the import into the holding file successfully completed, no report is displayed.
Birth Dates must be numeric and in the past.
SSN’s must be 9 numbers so no alpha characters.
Any data issues displayed in the report must be corrected in Oracle and we must get a new input file. Then another run with a whole new batch must be done.
- To complete the by hand Adjunct Faculty Import, now do steps 1 through 3 for the automated process but this time use the Batch ID that you created.
Creating Faculty IDS for the Adjunct Faculty
A faculty record will need to be created for each NEW ID created in the above process. This may be done individually in the FCTY Colleague screen or in a batch by creating a savedlist and then running XFACC.
If only one new faculty ID is needed, then the FCTY screen can be used. The Colleague department for that faculty member must be known to complete the data entry. An example for that is as follows:
If a group of faculty IDS are to be created after the completion of ITCI, the SQL reports can be used to export to excel. Then the column of Colleague IDS can be selected to be used in the XFACC screen.
NOTE: ITCI above writes the department ID from Oracle to the Colleague PERSON.JATI.ID field. That field is used to determine the department so that the Faculty record can be created in a batch.
SLED is used to create a savedlist in Colleague. A savedlist is Colleague’s name for a named group of IDS. In the following example, a savedlist NEW.FACULTY is created and there are 8 IDS that have been typed in.
If the IDS are to be copied in from a spreadsheet, then you must detail on the paper symbol on the right side of the screen and then you can paste the IDS in and click SAVE. That would look like this :
Then you save out to create the select list.
Then go into XFACC to run the batch creation of faculty records. The screen would look like this :
Quick instructions for Adjunct Import
1. ELFT – XON.BOARD , Define the filename ( For the automated runs ADJUNCT-FACULTY-HIRES.DAT for the by hand run. ADJUNCT-FACULTY-HIRES-20240628180009.DAT )
NOTE: Please set the filename back to the automated run filename after you completely process the
by hand run.
2. STII –XOB Run import for a by hand run define batch ( XOB.06282024P )
******* START ON #3 FOR AUTOMATED RUN ********
3. ITCI – Enter CORE, Enter Batch ID ( XOB.FACULTY.IMPORT for automated run, XOB.06282024P for example of your own created bath name ) Update mode ‘N’, Report Detail ‘D’, and #4 XIBIO.PERSON. Evaluate for errors or possible duplicates.
4. EFDR – *** USE IF POS ERRORS *** Duplicate resolution enter batch ( XOB.06282024P )
5. ITCI - – Enter CORE, Enter Batch ID ( XOB.FACULTY.IMPORT for automated run, XOB.06282024P for example of your own created bath name ) Update mode ‘Y’, Report Detail ‘D’, and #4 XIBIO.PERSON. Brings in the records.
6. FCTY – ( If only adding one new faculty record and you know the department in Colleague ) Enter ID created for the person. Then put in Department and 100 for the percent.
6. SLED and XFACC – ( if you have many new IDS of faculty created from using ITCI ) create a savedlist in SLED and the enter that savedlist in XFACC.